Sermon Illustrations
  • A 12 Year Old Girl In Rural Ethiopia Was Kidnaped ...

    Contributed by Andy Anquoe on Feb 15, 2007 (message contributor)

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A 12 year old girl in rural Ethiopia was kidnaped from her family . Her captors yelled at her, beat her, and almost raped her during her 7 day ordeal. They wanted to force her into marriage by selling her to the highest bidder Who knows what kind of situation she would have ended up in if that would have happened. But before here captors could sell her, 3 lions miraculously showed up from out of the jungle, chased her captors away, and guarded her until help showed up. When her family and the police showed up, the lions disappeared back into the jungle, never to be seen again TRUE STORY Now you can’t tell me that God wasn’t looking out for that little girl But He did Why? She was so valuable to him that He set her free from captivity in a miraculous way.