Sermon Illustrations
  • How Deeply Do You Desire To Connect With God? ...

    Contributed by Roger Nelmes on Jan 10, 2007 (message contributor)

      (rate this sermon illustration)

How deeply do you desire to connect with God? Are you desperate to see a mighty movement of God on your campus and throughout your generation?

In the first decade of recent centuries, God has moved in astonishing ways to bring spiritual awakenings through students. We are living in that time right now. Could a spiritual awakening move throughout your campus and your generation?

God’s Word is clear; when we are obedient He will be faithful to accomplish His work through us. Just as this year’s theme passage emphasizes, obedience involves your being clean and pure to walk passionately with God.

The morals of our nation continue to spiral downward at alarming rates. How long will people continue to seek their own ways and live life without God? Will your generation be the one that will cry out to God for your families, friends, and classmates to turn to Him?

Don’t simply go through the motions in this service tonight. With clean hands and a pure heart, determine to be a part of this mighty movement in your generation.

* Taken from SYATP promotional materials