Sermon Illustrations
  • What Better Way To Show How Man Has Done This ...

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Sep 20, 2006 (message contributor)

      (rate this sermon illustration)

What better way to show how man has done this than to look at the two Voyager spacecraft, launched in 1977 and sent barreling towards

the outer reaches of the solar system. On each ship is a gold-coated phonograph record, offering a message to extraterrestrial civilizations.

This message includes pictures of the ‘evolution of man’ from molecules, via fish, reptiles, ape-like creatures, to humans. It also presents

the ‘evolution of man’ in sound—a series of sounds in an evolutionary progression: music of the spheres, volcanoes, earthquakes,

mud pots, wind, rain, crickets, frogs, birds, hyenas, elephants, chimpanzees, wild dogs, footsteps, heartbeats and laughter. There is also

the sound of fire and speech, of stone tools, a tame dog, Morse code, ships, a train, the F-111 aircraft and so on.

The Voyager craft also offer greetings from representatives of nations around the world. These messages bring greetings from Earth, calls for

help, offers of friendship, pleas for peace and promises that man is thinking about them (the extraterrestrial intelligent beings), calling these

supposed beings out there ‘great ones’.

And just to make sure they were communicating, scientists included a greeting from some whales! In the book Murmurs of Earth: The

Voyager Interstellar Record, by Carl Sagan and others, we read about the ‘whale greeting’: ‘We listened to it [the whale greeting] many

times and always with a feeling of irony that our imagined extraterrestrials of a billion years hence might grasp a message from fellow

earthlings that had been incomprehensible to us.’16

United Nations delegate Wallace R.T. Macaulay of Nigeria made an impassioned plea in his message carried by Voyager: ‘To extraterrestrial

intelligent beings: We are supposed to inhabit this planet alone but we know this is not quite so. In Africa, we want to believe

that we have you and you are all-knowing, and perhaps possess high intelligence and therefore can help us solve the many problems of

our world here.’

from answers in genesis