Sermon Illustrations
  • No To Oppose Gay 'marriage': A Recent Survey ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 18, 2006 (message contributor)

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No To Oppose Gay ’Marriage’: A recent survey found that a majority of Americans oppose same-sex "marriage" and favor amending the Constitution to ban such unions. The findings of the New York Times/CBS News poll revealed: 61% oppose gay “marriage,” and 55% favor a constitutional ban. 57% of Democrats oppose same-sex “marriage,” and 52% favor a constitutional amendment. 57% of women oppose homosexual “marriage,” and 54% percent support a constitutional ban. 71% of Republicans oppose gay “marriage,” and 63% support a national ban. And a late December USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll shows a 2-1 opposition to same-sex “marriage.” (Pastor’s Weekly Briefing 12/26/03)