Sermon Illustrations

Truth—Not So Absolute: The people groups least likely to believe in absolute moral truth are Baby Busters (those 36 and younger—only 13% embrace absolute truth), Catholics (16%) and adults who are not born again Christians (15%). The groups most likely to endorse the existence of absolute moral truths include Baby Boomers (people 37 to 55 years of age—28% embrace absolute truth), adults who attend non-mainline Protestant churches (32%) and born again individuals (32%). When people were queried as to the source of the principles or standards on which they base their moral and ethical decisions, a post 9/11 Barna survey discovered that only 13% of adults cited the Bible. The most common sources of guidance regarding moral decisions trusted by Americans are feelings (25%) and the lessons and values they remember from their parents (14%). (Barna Research Online 11/26/01)

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