Sermon Illustrations
  • Most Remarkable Are The Ndes [near Death ...

    Contributed by Sermon Central on Jan 16, 2005 (message contributor)

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Most remarkable are the NDEs [Near Death Experiences] of little children. Diane Komp, an oncologist and professor of pediatrics at Yale University, did not start her adult life as a believer. “When I was in medical school,” she told Life magazine, “I was hanging out somewhere on that nebulous continuum between agnostic and atheist.” Her encounters with terminally ill children, according to the Life article, “changed all that. She now writes in an openly Christian manner about using what she has learned to help dying children and their families prepare for death.”

Early in her medical career, Komp sat with the family of a child in the last stages of leukemia. Komp recounts the moment of the child’s death: “She had the final energy to sit up and say, ‘The angels – they’re so beautiful! Mommy, can you see them? Do you hear their singing? I’ve never heard such beautiful singing.” Angels were carrying her little soul into the presence of God!

Gary Kinnaman, Angels Dark and Light (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Vine Books, 1994), 105.