Sermon Illustrations


As a child my parents took me to church

You see for me they didn’t have to search.

And when at my grandparents house we all went together.

In rain, snow, heat and all kinds of weather.

Growing up on a farm in rural Kentucky, work was all we knew

Of the outside world we had no clue.

So going to church was a treat just to have somewhere to go

I never much though about the reason and but it certainly wasn’t for show.

As I grew older and things became more and more clear

I became aware of Gods presence and he became more dear.

I knew that my father and mother were always quick to give him praise

And with a strict hand we kids they did raise.

About the time I turned seventeen, our pastor came around

He had been trying to catch me to help me be heaven bound.

I resisted at first but he started to make more sense

For as he talked to me and presented God’s plan I had no defense.

To accept Jesus as my savior was my only salvation

To reject his gift of eternal life would be condemnation

So accepting him as my savior was the biggest step in my young life

But slipping away from his grace only brought me turmoil and strife.

A little later as I was about to go to Vietnam

My father told me only one thing, one piece of advice to bring me calm

“ Son” he said, on the night before I was to leave,

“ When things are bad, remember all you have to do is pray to God and in him believe.”

I shrugged it off, as I was too old to ask God for his guiding hand

Heck I was nineteen years old and I was a man.

During my time in combat the first thing one might learn

Was the only...

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