There Was A Church That Had A Young Lady That Had ... PRO
Contributed by Dennis Jones on Jun 10, 2003 (message contributor)
There was a church that had a young lady that had started attending the church. She had more than a checkered past to say the least. She had turned her life over to the Lord and had dedicated the rest of her life to serving and following Jesus. She had worked very hard to not let her past get in the way of her new found salvation and life. It seemed everywhere she went people could not forget her past.
The Pastor’s son noticed her and their relationship began to grow. As the relationship grew so did the rumors, gossip, and dissatisfaction among the church members. They felt as if the pastor’s son needed to find some one of a better background and family background. As the relationship continued to grow so did the dissension in the church. When there was a wedding planned, the church members planned a meeting to see what they could do to stop it. During the meeting the pastor’s son and the young lady showed up. The pastor’s soon boldly walked to the front of the group and addressed them with the following.
I feel very sorry for all of you today. I will...
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Even If You Never Saw The Movie "A Few Good Men," ... PRO
Contributed by Mary Lewis on Aug 6, 2003
Even if you never saw the movie “A Few Good Men,” you’re probably familiar with one scene. Tom Cruise plays a military lawyer and is interrogating tough-guy Jack Nicholson. Cruise is getting nowhere and finally yells, “I WANT THE TRUTH!” And Jack Nicholson shouts back. “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE ...read more
This Week I Was Reading The Story Of An ... PRO
Contributed by Andrew Hamilton on Oct 26, 2002
This week I was reading the story of an Australian couple who went to Bangladesh as missionaries. When Stuart and Margaret arrived in the country they were informed, by the Baptist missionaries already there that the Muslim people were impossible to reach with the Gospel message. For the six years ...read more
Have You Ever Thought Any Deep Thoughts About ... PRO
Contributed by Bruce Ball on Jan 16, 2005
Have you ever thought any deep thoughts about rubber bands? I have. In fact, I had one of those great big rubber bands that I was going to bring up here, but somewhere along the way, I either mislaid it or lost it. I was going to bring it up here and drape it over this corner right here, and I ...read more
At A Nursing Home In Florida, A Resident Group ... PRO
Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 25, 2002
At a nursing home in Florida, a resident group was discussing ailments: "My arms are so weak I can hardly lift this cup of coffee," said one. "Yes, I know, my cataracts are so bad I can’t even see my coffee," replied another. "I can’t turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck," said a third, ...read more
The Command Came, "On Your Mark, Get Set," And ... PRO
Contributed by Tim Richards on Dec 1, 2004
The command came, "On your mark, get set," and then the pistol cracked and the race was on. A fine athlete sprang to the lead, and when the race was over he had broke the state record. Only a few other runners even finished the race. Many dropped out when they saw they could not win. As the field ...read more
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