Sermon Illustrations

From just before the time of Christ (when Jesus was a child, Hillel was still alive).

"He [Hillel] would stand at the gate of Jerusalem and meet people going to work. He questioned them, "How much will you make at work today?" One person would answer, "A denarius." Another replied, "Two denarii." Then he would ask them, "What will you do with your earnings?" They would reply, "We will buy what we need to live." Then he challenged them, "Why don't you come follow me and acquire knowledge of the Torah. Then you will receive life in this world as well as life in the future world?" In this way Hillel lived all his days and was able to bring many people under the wing of heaven." [Avot R. Nat., vers. B, ch. 26, cited by Brad Young in Meet the Rabbis, p. 192]

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