Sermon Illustrations

WAS JESUS INVOLVED IN POLITICS? I hear that all the time as the excuse for Christians not voting. Is that biblically true? I spent hours searching through the Gospels for the truth and found these key teachings that describe Jesus' attitude and involvement toward the issue of government and politics:

* He was born under a corrupt government - Joseph and Mary were willing to flee government persecution and

the murder of newborn sons under wicked king Herod.

• He taught respect for government - “render unto Caesar”

• He taught that government has boundaries – “render to God what is His” (Our children belong to God!).

• He was willing to break a law that was not godly and violated a higher law of God - (Example: healing on the


• He led large, independent rallies in the wilderness - a sure sign of a rebel.

• He cared about and ministered to government leaders - the Centurion

• He boldy denounced evil rulers and their sinful ways - Herod (Jesus denounced him as a "fox").

• He proclaimed that a greater government had been established and manifest in Israel - the Kingdom of God.

• He prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, the central city of Israel's political and religious government.

• He was falsely accused and persecuted by a corrupt government.

• He was falsely arrested by a corrupt government on false pretenses and then given an illegal trial.

• He cared for and healed government outcasts - the lepers.

• He was put to death as a political criminal under a corrupt government.

* He was executed as a political criminal between two other political criminals making his death a politcal

battle to Rome and the Sanhedrin.

• He so frightened a corrupt government even after his death that they put guards at his tomb for fear of a

political uprising caused by his followers.

• He shocked a corrupt government when He rose from the dead to prove that He was God in the flesh in their

very presence!

• He willl one day come back to earth and the GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS (Isaiah 9:6). He

will rule with righteousness and there will be no more elections for Jesus is Lord! If you know Him, you will

reign with Him spiritually and politically forever serving as a judge over the nations according to Jesus.

YESSSSS………Jesus was involved politically. Do not use that statement as an excuse to refuse your responsibility to vote for good leaders who can make a moral difference in the life of our nation for decades.

• OT Saints were involved in politics. Moses confronted Pharoah in his "White House" in Egypt. Daniel refused to bow to a corrupt government's demand that he no longer worship the God of Abraham and Israel.

• The Apostles and the Early Church were involved politically. Peter refused to stop preaching the Gospel of Jesus even though a corrupt government made it illegal to do so.

Be the SALT – get involved. Make a difference in this world. Save the innocent. Care for the hurting. Defend the oppressed. Vote for righteousness. Stand for the One who said, “I am come that you might have LIFE…” (John 10:10).

- Dr. Larry Petton

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