Sermon Illustrations

Humor: Let Me Put It To You Like This

As a young boy, while in a country store on a chilly Fall morning, my dad and I stopped in for a few items. Looking straight ahead, I saw my first Potbelly stove, I was fascinated by it. Some older men were sitting around it chatting, a couple were playing checkers. I asked what it was.

One of the old gents said, “It’s a potbelly stove… gives the best heat ever!”

Another said, “Yep boy, get up close and try it!”

I smiled, then snuggled up close to the stove and warmed my hands. I had never felt anything so nice, especially on that cold day. I turned around, backing up a bit and enjoying the warmth, smiling at the older men.

Just then I smelled something strange. I took a huge sniff and then asked, “What’s that smell?”

One of the older men spoke up and said, “Son, let me put it to you like this… your coats on fire!”

John 16:4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.

©Loyd C Taylor, Sr., 2024

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