Sermon Illustrations

The Background

My observation, after reading my Bible,

Observing fellow Christians,

And considering my own Christian life is:

Pride is the biggest problem,

For 99.9% plus of Christians!

You could not tell it though.

Christians don’t talk about it (much).

Preachers don’t preach on it (much).

But the problem remains!!!!

This was a really quick lesson for me!!!!

The Story

‘I’ve been a Christian for sixty-two years.

I have been a fencer for fifty-four years,

With a twenty-year break in the middle.

I was one of twenty-nine veteran fencers,

In the Australian Nationals competition.

The ‘pools’ were almost ready to start.

I was talking to a fencer named Frank.

Told me about his new body protector,

Showed it to me, told me it was great.

He had a big happy smile on his face.

All the while I’m thinking,

“Frank, you are a wimp!”

In the very first minute of my first bout,

I accidentally fleshed into my opponent,

Who had instinctively raised his elbow.


Did not win a single bout all afternoon,

Neither in the individuals or the teams.

A fellow clubmate watched it, and said,

“If you can’t laugh, your rib is broken.”

I most definitely could not laugh …

This proud idiot learned his lesson!’

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