Sermon Illustrations

John Stott has pointed out that “persecution is simply the clash between two irreconcilable value-systems.” That clash is what we are seeing now, and it is ultimately between those who believe, trust, and love the God of the Bible and those who do not. The changes afoot today represent a sea-change from the past; the wind is no longer on our back but in our face. This is creating a cultural climate in the West in which persecution of Jesus’s followers…” (C.S Lewis Institute Persecution)

Gene Veith, Missouri Synod Lutheran professor states: One of the greatest paradoxes in Christian history is that the church is most pure in times of cultural hostility. When things are easy and good, that is when the church most often goes astray. When Christianity seems identical with the culture and even when the church seems to be enjoying its greatest earthly success, then it is weakest. Conversely, when the church encounters hardship, persecution, and suffering… then it is closest to its crucified Lord, then there are fewer hypocrites and nominal believers among its members, and then the faith of Christians burns most intensely. (ibid)

In the past 4 years two Lutheran Pastors in Finland were arrested because of their stance against abortion. Last year the trial of two Finnish Christians. One, Paivi Rasanen, member of the Finish Parliament, mother of five, and member of the Finish Lutheran Church posted a tweet on her social media stating that the Bible is clear that sex is only for heterosexual marriage is now on trial for her tweet.

She stated: “This case is about whether it is allowed in Finland to cite the Bible and to agree with it in topics that go against the tide and challenge the current ethos and thinking.”

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