The Leadership Principles Of Jesus
Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on May 11, 2020 (message contributor)
The Leadership Principles of Jesus.
• Jesus was willing to invest in people others would have dismissed.
(Consider the disciples. They were not the “religious” elite, yet Jesus used them to start His church).
• Jesus released responsibility and ownership in a ministry.
(Jesus sent the disciples out on their own. No micro-management it appears).
• Jesus had a leadership succession plan.
(Jesus consistently reminded the disciples He wouldn’t always be with them. Of course, He was still the “leader”, but He left others to take the ministry forward).
• Jesus practiced servant leadership. Lead by example. Scripture does not say that the Lord is My Cowboy, he drives me to Heaven.
(The King of kings was willing to wash the dirty feet of His followers).
• Jesus was laser focused on His vision.
(Regardless of the persecutions or distractions, Jesus kept on the mission God had called Him to complete).
• Jesus handled distractions with grace.
(When the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years touched His garment, Jesus stopped to heal her, even though headed to a definite purpose in Jerusalem).
• Jesus was into self-care.
(Jesus constantly slipped away to spend time with God).
• Jesus was into leadership development and replacement.
(He very purposefully prepared the disciples to take over the ministry. He pushed people beyond what they felt they were capable of doing).
• Jesus held followers to high expectations.
(Jesus was not afraid to make huge requests of people. “Follow Me” meant the disciples had to drop their agenda to do so. He told the disciples they must be willing to lose everything to follow Him).
• Jesus cared more about people than about rules and regulations.
(God’s focus is on people – “God so loved THE WORLD” – people who needed a Shepherd).
• Jesus celebrated success in ministry.
(Jesus promises to reward those people generously who were faithful to Him).
• Jesus finished well.
• Any questions whether His ministry was effective? Still working today with over 2 Billion followers of Christ on the planet – 1/3 of the world. But Jesus left his business to His followers 2000 years ago.
- John Maxwell
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