Preach "The King Has Come" 3-Part Series this week!
Preach Christmas week

Preaching Articles

Three promises of Easter: Empty Cross - the forgiveness of sins, Empty Tomb - eternal life, Empty Burial Clothes - personal relationship with Jesus.
Steven Kellett
Denomination: Christian Missionary Alliance
Scripture: Luke 24:1-24:12, Luke 23:1-23:56, John 3:16, Luke 4:21-4:30
Tags: Psalms, Gospel Of Luke, Easter, Worship, Look
Let us consider some of the changes, some of the transformations, that the resurrection of Jesus has already made. (Powerpoint Available - #230)
Melvin Newland
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:11
Tags: Transformation, Resurrection, Life, Death, Easter Resurrection

Easter - They Didn't Understand

In amazement, we wonder, "What's the matter with them? Were they hard of hearing? Why didn't they get the message? Why didn't they understand?" I think there are several answers to that question. (PowerPoints Available - #104)
Melvin Newland
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Luke 18:31-18:34, 1 Corinthians 1:23-1:24
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Do You Understand, Easter, Gethsemane

Easter - Preparation For Eternity

We dare not forget that this life is a preparation for eternity - an eternity in which we will be among the saved or the lost forever & ever. (Powerpoints available - #110)
Melvin Newland
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 27:62-28:7
Tags: Resurrection, Power, Easter Resurrection

Father, Forgive Them!

I think a lot of people misunderstand what Jesus was doing when He prayed, "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing."
Melvin Newland
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Luke 23:32-23:34, Luke 23:24-23:24
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Forgiveness

An Empty Celebration - Easter

Jesus made 3 ’Empty Promises’ which give more ful’fill’ment than anything else to mankind today. Link included to Formatted Text, handout, and PowerPoint Presentation.
Jerry Shirley
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Philippians 2:5-2:11, Philippians 2:1-2:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection

His Resurection

The Resurrection is either one of the most wicked, heartless, vicious hoaxes ever or it is the most fantastic fact of history. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:17, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.” This message will focus on three
Series: The Care for Christ
Brian Bill
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:17
Tags: Easter Resurrection

What Judas Missed

This is an Easter Sermon looking at what Judas missed by killing himself before the resurrection.
Denn Guptill
Denomination: Wesleyan
Scripture: Matthew 27:1-27:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Palm Sunday - Almost!

Pilate is not the only one who has played the game of "almost." Most of us have played that game, too. (PowerPoint available - #163)
Melvin Newland
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Luke 23:13-23:24
Tags: The Easter Story, Easter Resurrection, Palm Sunday, Pilate, Jesus' Trial

Because Of Him

Post Easter Seeker message..Answers Now What?
Ryan Johnson
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Revelation 1:5-1:7
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Renewing Our Vision

Renewing our church’s vision for worship, prayer, service, outreach, and nurture.
Series: Deepening Your Life With God (1 & 2 Timothy)
Timothy Peck
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:1-1:10, 1 Timothy 1:1-1:10
Tags: Easter Palm Sunday

The Day Of The Cross

On the day that Jesus died it is noteworthy to see the crowds, the crys, and the crosses on Calvary that day. If you need encouragement dear soul, this message is sure to touch you.
Gary Huckaby
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 27:33-27:36, Matthew 27:33-27:36
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Jesus The Resurrected King

Four things we find in the fact that Jesus is Alive - life, love, hope, and power
Series: Portraits of Christ
Steven Simala Grant
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:14, 1 Corinthians 15:14-15:23, 1 Corinthians 16:20-16:28
Tags: Easter Resurrection

My Appointed Time: Celebrate!

On Good Friday our Lord celebrated the Passover with His disciples.
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 26:17-26:30
Tags: Easter Maundy Thursday

He Defeated Death

We have no reason to fear death because of Christ’s victory over it. A message for Easter Sunday.
Matthew Rogers
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:50-15:57
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Rock-The Roll- The Resurrection

We Today need to check the rock watch it roll and become a part of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Michael Mccartney
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: Mark 16:1-16:4, Matthew 28:1-28:15
Tags: Easter Resurrection

We Would Like To See Jesus

This is a Palm Sunday sermon about faces in the crowd who saw Jesus.
Larry East
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: John 12:12-12:19
Tags: I Hbggxhh, Easter Palm Sunday

The Reality And Relevance Of The Resurrection

Why does the Easter bunny and egg hunts seem to be more exciting than news about Christ’s death and resurrection? Because we simply haven’t grasped the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Greg Tabor
Denomination: Assembly of God
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:23
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Resurrection Response

Lessons about people in response to the resurrection of Jesus. 1- Some consider Jesus but do not recognize Him 2- Some know scripture but do not believe it
Series: Easter
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Luke 24:13-24:35, Luke 24:1-24:32, Luke 24:36
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Resurrection, Scripture

Fresh Start - Easter

The Resurrection was the ultimate turnaround! This message is for many who have fallen and need to ’rise up.’ We can have a clean slate, a new plan, & a fresh start! Link included to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint Presentation.
Jerry Shirley
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Proverbs 24:16, Genesis 1:1-1:26, Genesis 1:1
Tags: Easter Resurrection


Fear, forgiveness and faith AFTER the crucifixion of Christ.
Allen Patterson
Denomination: Independent/Bible
Scripture: John 20:19-20:31
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Emmaus Road, Post Easter

Risen... Believe It Or Not!

Because Jesus rose from the dead, I can have confidence, I can have new life, I can be forgiven, and I can have hope.
Greg Hanson
Denomination: Wesleyan
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:20
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Lessons From Cross Bearing

Simon was a man who came to worship at the Passover. His life was changed when he was forced to carry a cross up a hill.
Elmer Towns
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Mark 15:20-15:22
Tags: Easter Palm Sunday

Three Pictures In Atonement

Today as we study Lev 16, we will stroll through the art gallery of the word of God. And as we look upon the walls, we will see 3 masterpieces, 3 great works that bring to life the power and the purpose of the day of atonement.
Steve Malone
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Leviticus 16:1-16:34
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Believing In The Resurrection Of Christ

From our text on the resurrection of Christ, there are three important points that we need to take with us. We need to believe them and live them. 1- Fear not 2- Come see 3- Go tell
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Evangelism, Resurrection

The Death And Resurrection

Consider the hope that we have in Jesus by looking once again at the death and resurrection of Jesus. 1- the excruciating death 2- the exhilarating resurrection
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 27:45-27:54
Tags: Easter Resurrection

A Big Crowd Meets A King

I think some of the people in the crowd on that first Palm Sunday thought that they were witnessing a blooper. This wasn’t exactly how they thought it was going to work out. In their minds, the script wasn’t followed the way they thought it should have b
Series: Walking to the Cross
Brian Bill
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Luke 19:28-19:44
Tags: Easter Palm Sunday

If Christ Was Not Raised

If Christ was not raised, then there are some drastic consequences.
Alan Smith
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-15:22
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Beyond The Cross

The message of Easter is hope. There is something beyond the cross - beyond the suffering. There is resurrection.
Chris Talton
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Colossians 1:24-1:27
Tags: Easter Resurrection

If There Is No Resurrection

If there is no resurrection from the dead then what? 1- Then preaching is useless 2- Then faith is futile 3- Then sin controls 4- Then Christ is dead
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-15:19
Tags: Easter Resurrection

My Lord And My God

Do you sit with Thomas, as one seeking? Do you sit with the others, still excited from the week before? Perhaps you sit on your own, neither excited nor doubting. May you proclaim as Thomas did "My Lord and My God".
J Jeffrey Smead
Denomination: Anglican
Scripture: John 20:19-20:31, Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9
Tags: Apostle Thomas, Seek And Find, My Lord And My God, Blessed, Doubting Thomas

The Glorified Christ

Christians picture Jesus as artists have portrayed Him when He walked the earth. Here John sees Jesus as we will see Him when we lay eyes on Him for the first time. He is the Resurrected Lord of Glory.
Series: Jesus’ Word to His Church
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Revelation 1:9-1:16
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Resurrection: What Does It Mean? Why Does It Matter?

This is a sermon that could be used any time during the year. I wrote it for Easter Sunday 2007.
Series: The Easter Season
Tom Shepard
Denomination: *Other
Scripture: Matthew 16:15-16:17
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Come To Cleanse

When Jesus comes to the Temple he comes to cleanse - he comes to us, the Temple of the Holy Spirit with the same purpose
Series: Palm Sunday
Alan Mccann
Denomination: Episcopal/Anglican
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-21:17
Tags: Easter Palm Sunday

Experience God's Pure Love

An exploration of the love of the Father in the sacrifice of his Son -- focusing on Gethsemane.
Series: Experience the Passion
Stephen Pattison
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Mark 14:32-14:42, Mark 14:32-14:50
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Easter Through The Eyes Of Barabbas

This is part two in a five part sermon series leading up to Easter.
Series: Easter 2006
Jon Miller
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 27:15
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Empty Tomb

John began his resurrection story with a testimony of how he came to personal faith in the Resurrection by considering the evidence found in the open tomb. The empty tomb bore witness to a physical or bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Series: John
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: John 20:1-20:10
Tags: Empty Tomb, Mary Magdalene, Easter Resurrection, Examples Of Faith, Believe

Paradoxes Of The Passion

To speak of the Paradoxes of the Passion is to disclose the very center of that which is the object of our faith. Paradoxes of the Passion call us to look past the shallowness of man & see the Crucifixion of Christ from God's perspective. For the death
Series: Easter
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Mark 15:21-15:32
Tags: Crucifixion, Paradox, Golgotha, Myrrh, Crucify

Sight Unseen

When the Risen Jesus told Mary Magdalene not to cling to Him, it was because Jesus wanted Mary to have a faith that went beyond the 5 senses. Jesus asks us to walk by faith, not by sight.
Series: He is Risen Indeed
Pat Cook
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: John 20:10-20:18, John 20:11-20:18
Tags: People In The Gospel, Emmaus Road, Post Easter

Ta Da! Christ Is Risen! (Easter Season)

A teacher asked " What do you think were Jesus first words when He came out of that tomb?" A little girl shouted excitedly "I know,!" "Bethany what did he say." Extending her arms high into the air she said: "TA DA! Beloved TA DA Christ has risen!
J Jeffrey Smead
Denomination: Anglican
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:3-15:8, Luke 24:1-24:12, John 20:1-20:18
Tags: Discipleship, Easter Resurrection, Resurrection, Voice, Touch

Why Celebrate Easter?

I Corinthians 15 provides three reasons to celebrate Easter.
Series: Preaching through the Bible
Wes Richard
Denomination: Brethren
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:54
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Clearing The Bench

The first thing Jesus did after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem was to clean house. He cleanses the Temple of it’s sinfulness. What can this teach us about the need for purity and holiness in our churches and our personal lives?
Series: The Road To The Final Door
Jeff Strite 
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 21:12-21:17, John 2:12-2:17
Tags: March, Temple, Four, Madness, Basketball

Easter Means .....

This sermons breaks down the meaning of Easter, using Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday illustrations.
Bruce Ball
Denomination: Nazarene
Scripture: Luke 19:36-19:38
Tags: Easter Resurrection

First Rock From The Sun

Because the tomb is empty, our lives can be full.
Randy Croft
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:6
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Celebrating The Empty Tomb

Whatever people may say about death, they know in their bones that death doesn’t end it all! But on Easter we celebrate the end of that fear! We celebrate an empty tomb!
Klaus Mehrl 
Denomination: Lutheran
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Preparing For Easter

To prepare for Easter we must not go straight to the cross and the resurrection but remember that the battle for Easter was fought and won in the Garden of Gethsemane
James Tetley
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 26:36-26:46
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Taking The Floor

The crowds had looked for Jesus to be an earthly King... but when it became obvious He wasn’t going to be that, they turned their backs on Him and crucified Him. Jesus taught that His "Kingdom is not of this world." What can that mean to us?
Series: The Road To The Final Door
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: John 12:12-12:21
Tags: Kingdom Of God, Kingdom, March, Easter Palm Sunday, Gate

Life From Death?

Modern day Sadducees still teach that a bodily resurrection is unbelievable. For what 3 reasons do they reject a teaching that is so obviously Biblical?
Series: The Upside Down Teachings Of Jesus
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 22:23-22:33
Tags: Grave, Unbelievable, Death, Easter, Seed

CSI: Jerusalem - Eyewitness Testimony

Jesus built His church upon the foundation of a multitude of witnesses. Sometimes we forget how significant that can be.
Series: CSI Jerusalem
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:8
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Gospel, Gospel Of Judas, Da Vinci Code, Witness

Key Players In The Crucifixion: Peter Misplaced Confidence

We have read the four accounts of Peter’s predicted denial of Jesus. Each gives us a little bit different information than the other three. In Matthew Peter says, “Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee.” Mark adds, “But he spake th
Series: Key Players In The Crucifixion
Dennis Cocks
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 26:31-26:35
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Evidence That Demands A Verdict

If I had been Jesus, I would have shown the men on the road to Emmaus my scars and proved I had risen from the dead... but Jesus didn’t do that. Why?
Series: CSI Jerusalem
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Luke 24:1-24:35
Tags: Islam, Buddha, Apologetics Jesus, Forensics, Emmaus

Jesus, The Living Saviour

What if there is no resurrection? It means death has won and there is no life. It means darkness reigns and there is no hope. But Christ has been raised, therefore now we have God’s gift of life and hope.
Christian Cheong
Denomination: Independent/Bible
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-15:22
Tags: Easter Resurrection

It's Not That Complicated (Jesus Died, Then Rose From The Dead)

Many have become so obsessed with facts that we have missed the impact of the resurrection on their lives. The Resurrection is not that complicated it is a straight forward truth. Christ died and was risen from the dead.
J Jeffrey Smead
Denomination: Anglican
Scripture: John 20:19-20:31, John 20:8
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Apostles Thomas, Complicated, Seeing, Hearing

Free Refills Of His Victory

Why did John focus on Mary Magdalene’s viist to the tomb in his gospel? What was there about what she saw and what she believed that made her story so important to his story?
Series: Free Refills
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: John 20:1-20:18, John 20:1-20:20
Tags: Grave, Tomb, Easter Resurrection, Death, Easter

The Rise & Fall Of Death

The destiny of Christians is bound together with the destiny of Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus foretells that death is not the end of man, but that life persists through death & emerges from it. But not only does it foretell it is also the source of ou
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20-15:28
Tags: Death, Easter Resurrection, Firstborn, Sovereign

The Final Door

When Jesus died, the veil of the Temple was torn from top to bottom. What does this teach us about Jesus and the message of Christianity?
Series: The Road To The Final Door
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Mark 15:33-16:7
Tags: March, Temple, Baptism, Madness, Basketball

After Easter - Getting With God's Program Of Telling Others

1- Go tell the truths of Jesus 2- Go tell the truth about Jesus
Steve Shepherd
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 28:8-28:11
Tags: Truth, Evangelism, Evangelism How To, Witness

A Centurion's Story

A first person portrayal of the Centurion who proclaimed "Surely this was the Son Of God."
Series: CSI Jerusalem
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 27:50-27:54
Tags: First, Easter, First Person, Flogging, Person

He Is Risen, He Is Risen, He Is Risen! (Easter Season Message)

A Three Point Sermon Point One- "He Is Risen" Point Two- "He Is Risen" Point Three "He Is Risen"
J Jeffrey Smead
Denomination: Anglican
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Go Tell, Empty Tomb, Easter, Alleluia

If A Man Dies Shall He Live Again? (Easter)

Many ask the ancient question that Job asked so long ago:"If a man dies, shall he live again?" That is one of the most important questions that we could ever ask, for life is our most precious possession.
J Jeffrey Smead
Denomination: Anglican
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:19, Job 14:14, Mark 8:36, Ephesians 2:8-2:9
Tags: Death, He Has Risen, Grace, Works, Resurrection

Jesus: Dead Or Alive? Why Does It Matter?

Why Christ’s followers are so pumped up about the resurrection of Jesus.
Series: The God Questions
Brian Atwood
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-1:4
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Suffering Savior

Isaiah 53 predicts teh suffering our Savior would endure for us!
Jeffery Anselmi
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Isaiah 53:4-53:6
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Crowned, Crossed & Condemned

Jesus wore the crown of diety and because of that, He was put on the cross. But what most have never realized is that He was also guilty. Let’s see what He was guilty of .....
Bruce Ball
Denomination: Nazarene
Scripture: Hebrews 12:2
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Keeping Up Appearances

We need to have a personal encounter with the risen Jesus.
Series: His Last Days
Mark Schaeufele
Denomination: Assembly of God
Scripture: John 20:1-20:29
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Ever-Flowing Life Of Easter

The Easter Story is God taking a life which was being spent on self, the pleasures of this world and was blinded by the devil, and turning it around to achieve all of His good purposes.
Terry Laughlin
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-5:15
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Easter Is A Party And Everyone Is Invited

The gospel of Easter is that God has opened up Eternity for ALL who will believe in His Son Jesus Christ!
Joe Harding
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Acts 10:34-10:43
Tags: Lordship Of Christ

The Joy Of The Cross

The shame of the cross is frequently forgotten by modern-day Christians. Crucifixion was the ultimate in insult and public contempt for a criminal. It is impossible for us even to begin to understand the horror of the cross to the sinless soul of the i
Carl Allen
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Hebrews 12:2
Tags: Easter Resurrection

"Finally! Good News!!!"

A sermon for Easter Sunday.
Kenneth Sauer
Denomination: United Methodist
Scripture: John 20:1-20:18
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Final Words, Part One

Lessons we can learn from Jesus’ final words on Good Friday. Part one of two-part message.
Series: From Palms To Paradise
Mike Gilbert
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Luke 22:66-22:71
Tags: Death, Compassion, Grace, Easter Resurrection, Cross

He Is Risen

Jesus is risen and why it matters
Kevin Higgins
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 27:62-28:6
Tags: Easter, Easter Resurrection, Jesus Life, Resurrection

Blindness & Light

Who is blind and has sight in the story of Jesus healing the blind man?
Rodney Buchanan
Denomination: Methodist
Scripture: John 9:1-9:11
Tags: Healing, Kingdom Of God, Life, Eternity, Jesus' Ministry

Witnessed Signs

At the moment of the Messiah’s death, God provided three miraculous signs. Matthew alone records all the supernatural events that accompany Jesus’ death. He aslo tells us of some of the people who witness the event & how some of them were affected.
Series: Easter
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 27:51-27:56
Tags: Cross, Easter Good Friday, Veil, Tomb, Earthquake

The Triumphal Entry

Jesus, the Passover Lamb, heads into Jerusalem, where He initiates a massive public demonstration as He offers Himself to be King of Israel. This event is the inauguration of the Prince of Peace as King of kings.
Series: Easter
Dennis Davidson
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-21:11
Tags: Easter Palm Sunday, Donkey, Hosanna, Son Of David, Triumphal Entry

The Centurion

Part 6 in Easter series, focusing on the personal encounter of the centurion at the cross with the crucified Christ and its lessons and parallels for each of us.
Todd Leupold
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Luke 23:33-23:49
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Centurion

Priority #1: The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

To show believers the importance of the doctrine of the resurrection by answering 4 questions: when did Jesus rise again; why is the resurrection necessary; is there proof to substantiate the resurrection; how did Jesus come back to life?
Series: Pentecostal Priorities
Jason Gilbert
Denomination: Pentecostal
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-15:20
Tags: Easter, Easter Resurrection, Apologetics Jesus, Resurrection

She Saw The Lord (Alive)

God proves the gospel by the resurrection.
Series: John
Glenn Durham
Denomination: Presbyterian/Reformed
Scripture: John 20:1-20:18
Tags: Passion, Easter Resurrection, Gospel, Resurrection

Maundy Thursday: Even If He Does Not

Maundy Thursday. Short, to the point: Even though God does not intervine, though he can, He is Lord, He is God, He is our salvation. I also in context of the events that happend that nigh in addition to ps 27.
Peter Loughman
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: Psalms 27:1-27:15
Tags: Easter Maundy Thursday

It’s Friday But Sunday’s A Comin

This is an Easter Sermon based on a message I once heard Dr. Anthony Campolo preach.
Matthew Sickling
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 27:45-27:54
Tags: Easter, Easter Resurrection, Suffering Joy In, Resurrection

The Death Of Fear

When I was 5 my grandfather died. As I stood by the graveside at the cemetery, my mother said I looked down into the grave and then turned to her and asked "How's Grandpa ever going to get out of there?"
Series: Broken Chains
Jeff Strite
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-2:15
Tags: Expectation, Hope, Indeed, White Room, Terror

"The Hinge Of History"

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the hinge upon which the history of civilization swings. What are we to make of this? What are we to do about it?
Kenneth Sauer
Denomination: United Methodist
Scripture: John 20:1-20:18
Tags: Easter, Disciples, Easter Resurrection, History, Resurrection

The Cross

Message on Easter as it pertains to the cross.
W. Alderman
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Luke 23:13-24:6
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Seek Him Early

The women came to the tomb of Jesus "early in the morning." Scripture teaches us to seek Him early in the morning, early in life, and early on in every endeavor.
K. Edward Skidmore
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Mark 11:36-11:37
Tags: Easter Resurrection

His Resurrection, Never Alone Again

The third message in the series.
Series: Back To Christmas
Steve Malone
Denomination: Christian/Church of Christ
Scripture: Mark 16:3-16:7
Tags: Easter Resurrection

"He Has Risen, Just As He Said"

A sermon for an Easter Sunrise Service.
Kenneth Sauer
Denomination: United Methodist
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Appearance To Mary Magdalene

Death is not the end of the story!
Series: He’s Not Here
Jonathan Mcleod
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: John 20:10-20:18
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Hope, Resurrection

Is The Gospel For The Devout?

The Easter message cuts to the heart of those who are devout.
Series: Easter Sunday
Glenn Durham
Denomination: Presbyterian/Reformed
Scripture: Acts 2:22-2:41
Tags: Repentance

Risen! Up Where I Belong

Four levels of faith regarding Easter. Risen? -Risen! Up Where HE Belongs! - Risen! Up Where WE Belong! - Risen! Up Where I Belong!
Everett Mccoy
Denomination: Pentecostal
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:6, 1 Corinthians 15:51-15:55
Tags: Believe, Easter, Easter Resurrection, Faith General, Resurrection

Return To The Mount Of Olives

Holy Week or Easter or even the Sunday after Easter. The Easter story is not just about the death, crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is ultimately about the Second Coming of Christ.
Bruce Lee 
Denomination: United Methodist
Scripture: Luke 21:37
Tags: Blood Moon, Resurrection, Easter Resurrection, Mount Of Olives, Easter

Why Christ Must Rise From The Dead.

How Christ rising from the dead makes us certain of the love of an almighty and eternal God.
Simon Fisher
Denomination: Episcopal/Anglican
Scripture: John 20:9, John 20:1-20:10
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Binding The Hands Of Jesus

In Mark 15:1, we read of how the enemies of Jesus bound Him in preparation for the sending of Him to Pilate, When you read those words it is easy for your heart to be filled with sadness, and even with a touch of “righteous indignation” for that crowd tha
Ray Searan
Denomination: Assembly of God
Scripture: Mark 15:1
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Other Resurrections

The resurrection of Jesus should not have come as a surprise to anyone. Because of the resurrection we now have the power to live the wonderful life God created for us and have assurance of a blessed future life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Bruce Lee
Denomination: United Methodist
Scripture: Matthew 27:52-27:53
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Resurrection Of Dead, Other Resurrections, Easter, Christian Living

Redemption Response

How will you respond to the redemption Jesus secured at Calvary?
Series: Redeemed
Kevin L. Jones
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Matthew 26:47-26:56
Tags: Easter, Redemption, Salvation, Jesus, Redeemer

What A Risen Savior Can Do For You

A brief examination of Mary's reaction to the empty tomb and the sight of her Savior.
Series: Redeemed
Kevin L. Jones
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: John 20:11-20:18
Tags: Easter, Victory, Sunrise Service, Resurrection

Easter 2009: Our Beliefs Dictate Our Actions

This sermons focuses on how what we believe, whether it is true or now, will dictate how we act.
Series: Easter 2009: Our Beliefs Dictate Our Actions
Rodney Johnson
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: Luke 24:1-24:11
Tags: Easter Resurrection, Encouragement, Believe, Easter Love

Easter - Experience It!

An Easter sermon challenging people to not just acknowledge and celebrate Easter, but to experience the life changing power of the resurrection.
Brian Black
Denomination: Evangelical/Non-denominational
Scripture: Romans 6:5-6:14
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Father Forgive

This sermon looks at the words: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." It is a - 1. Prayer of RELATIONSHIP 2. Prayer of FORGIVENESS 3. Prayer of IDENTITY 4. Prayer of UNAWARENESS 5. Prayer of COMPLETENESS
Series: Words From the Cross
Tom Shepard
Denomination: *Other
Scripture: Luke 23:33-23:34
Tags: Hm, Easter Good Friday, Easter, Forgiveness

One New And Happy Day!

Part 3 Easter Sunrise Service: This word will inspire every person. This word can be preached at anytime.
Howard Strickland
Scripture: Psalms 144:15
Tags: Easter Resurrection

You Can't Keep A God Man Down!

This is a sermon that deals with the resorection of Christ, and how we can benifit as Christians and how those who are not Christians need to become one.
Dean Meadows
Scripture: Mark 16:1-16:8
Tags: Easter Resurrection

Deliverance From Death

Deliverance from Death by Dr. Franklin L. Kirksey focuses on the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has application for the Easter Season, the Lord’s Supper and a funeral.
Dr. Franklin Kirksey
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Psalms 116:15-116:17
Tags: Easter Resurrection

The Road To Victory

A look at the events of Jesus' Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Series: Redeemed
Kevin L. Jones
Denomination: Baptist
Scripture: Luke 19:35-19:44
Tags: Jesus Christ, Easter, Palm Sunday, Jesus, Praise And Worship

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