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Pornography is a problem.

Porn is like a narcotic; it hijacks the brain, it redefines human sexuality, and in the meantime ruins lives, destroys families and destabilizes ministries. And honestly it’s a problem that makes me tired—tired of the devastation Satan is causing to children, women, families, pastors, churches and the world with this tragic evil.

Porn became a problem for me when I was only six, and by the grace of God that problem ended when Jesus saved me at age seventeen. But I know it rarely happens so cleanly. It is still a temptation, yes; temptation abounds living in the city I do, and with the heart I have, but grace abounds all the more in Jesus Christ.

Friends, I hate porn. And here’s why.

I hate porn because it is a perversion of what God created in man and woman.

I hate porn because it exploits women made in the image of God into an image made for a man’s lust.

I hate porn because it objectifies women into a consumable product instead of a glorious image-bearing creature of God.

I hate porn because I love women—in particular my wife and three daughters.

I hate porn because it takes the soul satisfying experience of sex with a covenantally-committed spouse and turns it into a twisted soul shrinking experience of self-sex.

I hate porn because it turns sons and daughters of God into slaves of sex.

I hate porn because it turns potential missionaries into impotent Christians.

I hate porn because it destroys marriage, many before they even begin.

I hate porn because it extends adolescence and keeps men boys.

I hate porn because it lies to men about beauty and leads men to look for a porn star instead of a woman who fears the Lord.

I hate porn because it robs men and women of the full joy of obedience.

I hate porn because it fractures trust between a husband and wife.

I hate porn because it is a diabolical, satanic activity that is subtly leading thousands upon thousands to hell.

I hate porn because it leads to disqualified pastors and impotent churches. (Pastors, if you are addicted to porn, you are disqualified, and you are killing your church!)

I hate porn because I suspect it’s the most significant reason we are not planting more churches and sending more missionaries.

I hate porn because it disqualifies gospel preachers who could fill the empty church buildings in my city and so many others.

I hate porn because of the disappointment children have to go through when their dad tells them why they lost their job or opportunity to lead in the church.

I hate porn because it teaches a distorted view of sex to children before it can be explained by loving parents.

I hate porn because I am tired of sitting in my living room with sobbing, confused, devastated wives and broken, embarrassed, condemned men who got caught.

I hate porn because it leads to rape, molestation and perversion that can devastate people for the rest of their lives.

I hate porn because it turns men inward and suffocates a man’s ambition to make God’s name hallowed.

I hate porn because it says sin, Satan and the world are more satisfying than our Triune God and his grace.

I hate porn because I hate ungodly guilt and condemnation.

I hate porn for the fear it induces in the hearts of parents everywhere that their child could stumble upon a sight and get addicted.

But I love Jesus.

I love Jesus because he loves people with porn problems.

I love Jesus because he is powerful to free porn-enslaved hearts.

He who knew no porn addiction became porn addiction so that the porn addict might become the righteousness of God in him.

He who had no sin became sin for you so that you may become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21).

In that one brilliant sentence, Paul puts an end to the porn problem.

Friend, you are no longer in Adam but in Jesus. Jesus became a substitute. It was as if he became the porn addict, by receiving the just penalty due for our perversion, and you became the righteous son or daughter of God with all its benefits.

Friend, in one act of Love and Justice, in the cross-work of Jesus, through faith in him, you are now clean, holy, accepted, forgiven and free. Let me say it again ... free!

I love Jesus.

Eric Simmons is the lead pastor of Redeemer Arlington, a church just outside Washington D.C.

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Dan & Stephanie Cudmore

commented on Mar 1, 2014

This is great article but the only thing that is missing is the truth that women today also struggle with porn and men are also being degraded. I pray that more people would understand the seriousness of the effects of porn. Like heroin, just one "hit" can kill you and create addiction. Thanks for this!

Robert Fa’atoia-Collins

commented on Mar 1, 2014

So true and very sound advice for us all both in ministry and in our world today. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings

Ian Mckerracher

commented on Mar 1, 2014

There is even an added reason to be viciously opposed to this habit (ultimately it is a worldview, Isn't it). The word "sacred" is out of use in the modern lexicon even in the Church and so it was understandable that it was not used in this article as good as it was. Knowing the methods of this Holy God that we serve, there is in His mind an idea, a design that a marriage is supposed to look like. If we allow a drift away from the sacred, all that we are left with is the secular and the ordinary; terms which should never be attached to a person who has God living inside him.

Tony Bland

commented on Mar 1, 2014

hummm... not sure why this article is here...And I am a little disturbed about the line that says I hate porn because it leads to disqualified pastors and impotent churches. (Pastors, if you are addicted to porn, you are disqualified, and you are killing your church!) maybe somebody should clear this up for me. What do the writer mean Pastors, if you are addicted to porn, you are disqualified, and you are killing your church.

Benson Awhinawhi Of The Redeemed Christian Church

commented on Mar 3, 2014

"As a man thinks, so he is". I ask with what Heart would you be Preaching, when your Toughts are Beclouded with imaginations/singling/fantasizing images of your congregation for PORN.YOU can NEVER be a VESSEL FIT for USE.Your ministry and therefor church DIES.CHRIST will WEED such from His church if they fail to repent nd forsake.

Tony Bland

commented on Mar 3, 2014

say you, but not God. God can and have use a prostitute surly he can use anybody. let not put God in a small box

Joann Holloway

commented on Mar 3, 2014

What the head does the body will do also is what I think the writer means

Tony Bland

commented on Mar 3, 2014

Are you suggesting that he will go out and become a porn star?

Phil Goward

commented on Mar 4, 2014

Tony, perhaps you know the devastating statistics of porn addiction and what it leads to--but your comment leads me to believe you do not. Please study these and see where porn addiction leads. Read Titus 1:6-9. 2:7-8; 1 Tim 3:1-10 again. Does porn addiction and its affects fulfill these requirements? Read 2 Sam 12:14 again--David's sin will cause others to blaspheme the name of God. A pastor's sin will cause others to think poorly about God when the man of God they look to fails--which can kill that church, not THE church. The man himself is not condemned-he's just not fit/qualified to lead a church until a time of restoration has taken place. He's always forgiven, but the consequences are still there.

Tony Bland

commented on Aug 6, 2014

Pastor Phil The Titus and 1 Tim 3: passage is talk about men choosing men. When we are talking about pastor these are men called by God You stated 2 Sam 12:14 David's sin will cause others to blaspheme the name of God. this is not true commentary of that text? David sinned and God punished him by the death of the child Now I don?t know where you are getting the statement A pastor's sin will cause others to think poorly about God when the man of God they look to fails--which can kill that church, not THE church. There is no scripture to support this statement. My point is that God can do as he will with whom he chose including dis-appointing a preacher. 1 Samuel 15, but that is God job and we cannot decide. I am thankful for your input God bless sorry took so long to get back

Tony Bland

commented on Aug 6, 2014

we all sin and come short why are we making one sin bigger than the other and are you all saying that Pastors dont sin

Graham Hickey

commented on Mar 1, 2014

Wonderful sermon - how this needs to be shared.

Rev. Luke Jakoywa

commented on Mar 1, 2014

I too hate porn because it proves what God says about the disobedience in Rom 1:18-32. This is simply being given over to a depraved mind BUT Jesus the Lord is still ready to forgive. May the eyes of those involved be opened and come back to the saviour

Andrew Benedict

commented on Mar 2, 2014

I have a question here,when does something become porn since I find a lot of disturbing scenes in mainstream movies ,what would have been considered porn a few decades is now part of contemporary movies.I come from India-a country where the church once strictly(it still does and never openly encourages going to movies ) prohibited watching movies altogether,although the present generation (which includes me) is more liberal towards it.My question is this 'When porn is part of the mainstream entertainment industry especially in a country like the US where it's more open and perverse ,how do you handle this?Would you prohibit going to movies altogether(which is quite impossible) or educate them to be choose wisely (which again is a very difficult task) ,the reason I ask this is because often I find themselves watching such movies and sometimes find it disturbing,sometimes I think it's better to give it up altogether though I might appear to be a more conservative person.This is a genuine question I have

Benson Awhinawhi Of The Redeemed Christian Church

commented on Mar 3, 2014

Your concern truely elicits disturbing toughts .Grace will help us as we start imbibing pure and true christian virtues from our confines and gradually widen into and beyond family, friends,relations,associates and community.

Joe Krzywicki

commented on Mar 3, 2014

I agree with you Eric, I also hate porn and know the condemnation that goes with it just as you describe from an early age. The wisdom of the world is not the same as the wisdom of God and any believer in Christ will be convicted that porn is wrong. We must guard our hearts when tempted by carnal things that seek to take our heart. I will pray and ask all other believers to pray for each other to not succumb to this trap. God bless you all and strengthen all here with not giving into porn any longer. Guard your heart and mind. Pray for each other continually and don't give this temptation a foothold in your life.

Benson Awhinawhi Of The Redeemed Christian Church

commented on Mar 3, 2014

Thank you Eric. May God plant and spread the likes of you in every home and church where He is diligently sought/called upon.

John S. Marquis

commented on Mar 3, 2014

Not to defend porn but, I recall the words of C. H. Spurgeon who said "there is something profoundly spiritual about the young mans trip to the brothel". Every article or piece I have ever read regarding porn or sexual sin (including this one) fails to understand the deep intrinsic connection between the spiritual and the sexual. The image of God was divided into male and female at the creation, ?let us make man in our image, let us make them male and female??. Never are a man and woman closer to God then when they are one. A man turning to a sexual distraction like porn is a sign of a failure for a couple to connect and be close to one another and their creator according to his design. The more our culture defaces the created character of men and women with gender and role confusion and distortion the more relational breakdown occurs.

Geneva Corley

commented on Mar 10, 2014

I agree to what Eric said in his article. I am a woman who was addicted to Porn and I know the debilitating effect this Satan spawn ploy has on the mind of a believer. I know how it understand how it feels to want to be freed to do the will of God and be bound by the fetters of pornorgraphy. This perverseness is a trick of the enemy and it could potentially destroy marriages with its false sense of what real men and women crave sexually. I thank God for the blood of Jesus and its freeing power. The hold Satan had over my mind concerning this matter causes me to speak out against it. I thank God for deliverance and when God allows me to speak against it, I do because it destroys one from the inside out. I too hate pornography.

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