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  • Yielding Your Rights

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Feb 28, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon encourages Christian not to quarrel with those who offend us but to yield up our rights, fully trusting the Lord to act on our behalf.

    YIELDING YOUR RIGHTS Genesis 26 Introduction 1. God allows “famines” in order to test our obedience to His word. 1 Now there was a famine in the land-- besides the earlier famine of Abraham’s time-- and Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines in Gerar.2 The LORD appeared to Isaac and more

  • Casting Bread – 5 Principles On Sowing

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    The goal of this sermon is to encourage believers to be faithfully sharing the gospel despite difficulties. If we do not sow, we will never reap.

    CASTING BREAD – 5 PRINCIPLES ON SOWING In an agrarian society, seeds speak a different language to the people. To the sower, the seed gives hope of a bountiful harvest, whilst to the farmer’s wife, the seed can be processed into bread for food today. One can sow the seed or use it to make bread, more

  • 5 Benefits Of Sharing Your Faith

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The goal of this sermon is to encourage believers to share their faith by enumerating 5 benefits of witnessing.

    5 Benefits of Sharing Your Faith Acts 8:26-40 Intro It was a time of persecution in Jerusalem. Instead of running scared, the believers saw God’s hand to push them out of Jerusalem so that they can witness and make disciples of “all nations.” Many went to Samaria in accordance to the word of more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The objective of this sermon is to provide reasons why we should love one another from 1 John 4. The sermon is introduced with a short note on the Biblical meaning of love.

    LOVE ONE ANOTHER 1 John 4:7-21 What is love? • Centered in the will. • Biblical meaning of love = Not based on emotions, feelings. • A decision or choice that one makes. • Selfless, sacrificial, giving. • For the benefit of the object being loved. Why Love One Another? 1. We Love One Another more

  • Our Father In Heaven

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon describes the responsibilities and the honour of fathers using ideas developed from the Lord’s prayer.

    Our Father in Heaven Matthew 6:9-15 9 "This, then, is how you should pray: "’Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread. 12 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And more

  • Funeral Meditation: Lessons From The Death Of Sarah

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Dec 16, 2001
    based on 374 ratings

    This sermon serves to comfort the bereaved family and encourages them to move on with life when the period of mourning is over.

    FUNERAL MEDITATION: LESSONS FROM THE DEATH OF SARAH This message was delivered on 15th December 2001 at the funeral of Madam Hoe Goay Ee (Aunty Lim) Date of Birth: 27 July 1923 Date Departed: 14 December 2001 Text: Genesis 23:1-4. I. WE NEED TO MOURN FOR THE DEAD. Abraham mourned when Sarah more

  • Carrying Other People

    Contributed by Yuen Woh Voon on Oct 28, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon presents 4 principles we need to observe when leading others to the Lord.

    Carrying Other People People are self-centered — perhaps more than any other time in history. Urban migration, pressures of work and the demands of the family have left us with very little time for our friends. When we do have some time, we wish to relax and unwind in our own privacy. There is a more