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  • Gabriel Is Lickin' His Lips

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Jul 26, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    This sermon concerns the two trumpet sounds at the Rapture and Second Coming and enumerates the 7 signs of the times from Matthew 24.

    Introduction Many people in the Christian community have been caught up in Jerry Jenkins’ and Tim LaHay’s Left Behind series about the Tribulation period after the Rapture. I remind you that, even though they make interesting reading - and I have read all of them - these books are just the more

  • The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 9, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    This is a practical Communion sermon dramatically demonstrating how the Passover elements were used by Jesus to establish the memorial we call The Lord’s Supper.

    (An adaptation of the sermon of the same title by Pat Cook on Luke 22:19 Preparation: Choir comes down after singing. Soloist is prepared to sing "Broken and Spilled Out" later. Have table uncovered and set for Seder with Unity Napkin and four cups of wine. Have enough more

  • Turn On The Power!

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 9, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    This is a practical sermon reminding us how we get the Holy Spirit, how we receive the Spirit’s power, how we can prove the Spirit’s power, and how we can live daily in the fullness of the Spirit’s power.

    (Flashlight illustration inspired from Preparation: Have a flashlight ready with parts separated, ie. lens, bulb, batteries, and 2 or 3 small pieces of red tissue paper stuffed down under the batteries Introduction In Acts 8 we can read about some Samaritans who were more

  • Cracking The Character Code

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Based on the Southern Baptist Vacation Bible School theme for 2003, this sermon is about character building to strengthen a church.

    Cracking the Character Code (How I can Help My Church) Colossians 3:12-17, NIV Introduction Our Vacation Bible School begins tomorrow. The setting is London and the theme is "Cracking the Character Code." It seems the coat of arms at Yorkshire Hall is supposed to represent the traits of Christian more

  • Finished!

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 94 ratings

    This text shows at least 5 things Jesus finished on the Cross.

    Finished! John 19:17-30 Introduction It was breathtaking as we sat in a small gazebo in Jerusalem. Our Holy Land group was at the Garden Tomb, it’s a private park owned by a religious organization in England. We were listening to a British gentleman explain why they believed the Garden Tomb is the more

  • God's Open Door

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Jun 9, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Because of the Resurrection of Jesus we have an open tomb, open gospel, open witness, and open Heaven.

    A few weeks ago I saw this cartoon in a Christian newspaper, and it jumped out at me that this would be my Easter sermon! I didn’t know how I would use it, but I knew the Spirit would give me a sermon to go with it. For our radio listeners who can’t see the cartoon on our multimedia screen: more

  • Surprised By Joy

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Apr 10, 2001
    based on 147 ratings

    The same joy that surprised the followers of Christ in the upper room that first Easter can bring us joy that is permanent, powerful, and plentiful.

    Near the end of the nineteenth century a little church high on the cliffs at the entrance to the English Channel was destroyed by a hurricane. A few weeks later, a British Admiral came to ask the pastor if they intended to rebuild the church. The clergyman explained that they were a poor more

  • Chasing Chariots

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 19, 2000
    based on 514 ratings

    As Phillip witnessed to the eunuch we would do well to chase chariots and share our faith by every possible means.

    Chasing Chariots Acts 8:26-39 Introduction A few days ago I received this true account over the Internet. A young man had just left his Wednesday evening Bible study. Sitting in his car he prayed, "Lord, we studied tonight about your speaking to Samuel. Do you still speak to people today? more

  • Seven Pm, Easter, 29 Ad

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 468 ratings

    We can draw from the appearance of Jesus to his disciples in the upper room on Resurrection Sunday four applications of Easter: peace, joy, hope, and mission.

    Seven PM, Easter, 29 A.D. Luke 24:33-48 Introduction It was Easter Sunday for the Ibuga Christians of Western Tanzania. In one village, a large crowd had gathered to worship. Many came out of curiosity to hear about a God who conquered death. While they were singing and praising God, they didn't more

  • Grateful For Grace

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    David's treatment of Saul's son, Mephibosheth, is an example of why we should be thankful for God's grace.

    Grateful for Grace 2 Samuel 9:1-8 Introduction Sally tells this true story: I heard the door open and slam shut at the back of the church. An exasperated young man looked around briefly and then sat next to me. "Sorry I'm late!" he offered with no explanation. I wondered: Who is this stranger more

  • A Handful Of Peanuts

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 396 ratings

    Our stewardship should include tithing to support our local church.

    A Handful of Peanuts (The Law of the Harvest) 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Introduction (As people enter the worship center, let them take a handful of peanuts from large containers.) Amedeo Obici was born in 1876 in a small village near Venice, Italy. His widowed mother read him letters from his more

  • Am I My Brother's Keeper?

    Contributed by Tom Lovorn on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    We still ask the third question in the Bible, "Am I my brother's keeper?" to excuse our responsibility for our fellowman.

    Am I My Brother's Keeper? Genesis 4:9; 1 John 3:11-24 Introduction This past week I installed a new ISP on my computer. I had to set up the DNS and the TCP/IP. Then I had to configure the SMTP and the POP. If you don't know what I'm talking about, maybe you'd better read the FAQ. By the way, more