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  • Gift Of Freedom

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jul 4, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Only God can give us the gift of freedom 1 Peter 1:17-21

    Scripture: 1 Peter 1:17-21 BACKGROUND: A. We can define freedom in many ways. 1. A phrase like "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" covers a wide range of ideas. 2. "I want to do what I want, whenever" often begins at the age of 2 years, and extends well into adulthood. 3. Some more

  • Fix The Problem Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on May 17, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the 3rd "F" on how to fly with spiritual engine failure: ask God for wisdom to FIX the problem.

    FIX THE PROBLEM BACKGROUND: A. Illustration: Apollo 13 lifted off 2:13 PM April 11, 1970 [Apollo 13 web site]. James Lovell, John Swigert, Fred Haise read their instruments at 55:52:31 into the flight. The master caution light was triggered by low pressure in hydrogen tank #1. At 55:54:57 more

  • Flee From Harm Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on May 15, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the last of 5 messages on the F’s of flying with spirutal engine failure, the emergency evacuation plan to FLEE from harm.

    FLEE FROM HARM BACKGROUND: A. Illustration: The pilot of a small Piper single engine plane developed engine failure. He continued to FLY the plane, gliding and trying find a place to land. He checked instruments, did everything he knew how, yet he was not able to FIX the problem. He called more

  • Use The Emergency Frequency Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Mar 26, 2004
    based on 23 ratings

    This is the 4th of 5 "F"s on how to fly when the engine fails; use the emergency FREQUENCY to call on God, and He will answer and tell you awesome things.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church February 29, 2004 BACKGROUND: A. Illustration: Johnny Carson & his late night TV show had a routine where he would play Carnac the Great. He would give an answer & Ed McMann would read the question. “Gatorade” – “What does an more

  • Find A Place To Land Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Mar 19, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    This is the 2nd "F" in how to fly with spiritual engine failure; FIND a place to land means come to Jesus, He gives rest, take His yoke, learn from Him, and find rest.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church February 15, 2004 FIND A PLACE TO LAND BACKGROUND: A. Illustration: It was a long day in 1985, I had taken a night flight from Helsinki to Moscow. A colleague joked about hoping the old Russian jet make it all way. The flight was more

  • Fly With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    This is the first of 5 messages on flying; how to fly when your spiritual engine fails.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Richmond, VA 1st of a series of 5 on flying FLY WITH JESUS BACKGROUND: A. There is a great old favorite hymn of mine called "I’ll Fly Away." 1. I¡¦ll fly away O glory,I¡¦ll fly away, When I die hallelujah, fly away 2. Many more

  • Mad Cow Disease

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jan 28, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Mad Cow Disease is an appropriate allegory for sin; it easily infects, it changes our attitude & behavior; but unlike the disease, sin can be cured at the foot of the cross.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church January 25, 2004 Amos 4:1-5 MAD COW DISEASE BACKGROUND: A. Have you ever notice how some folk think you do not belong? 1. Kathie was taking registrations for a seminary lecture series. A man called and wanted to register by more

  • Naked At The Table

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jan 9, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    God prepared the very first table fellowship in the Garden of Eden so we might know how to worship and have communion with Him.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Richmond, VA NAKED AT THE TABLE BACKGROUND: A. Today, as is our monthly practice, we will observe the Lord’s Supper as part of our worship. 1. What does the Lord’s Supper mean to you? a. We may remember more

  • The Christmas Card Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jan 3, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    Each year God sends us the same Christmas card inscribed with His message of love; when we open it and read it we know what His one & only Son did for us.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Richmond, VA THE CHRISTMAS CARD BACKGROUND: A. Sending of Christmas cards is a 163 year old tradition 1. It began in England in 1840 a. The first cards showed people drinking & partying b. Christns complained, more

  • Why Sing Carols? Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Dec 23, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    Carols are an expression of joy that resides in our hearts, with a rhythm of God’s love, a radiance of God’s glory, surrounded by His caring arms, and gift wrapped in His plan for us.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Richmond, VA December 21, 2003 WHY SING CAROLS? Psalm 138 BACKGROUND: A. On these Sundays prior to Christmas we have been looking at the “C”s found in Christmas. 1. First “C” was the Coming, the prophecy that a more

  • The Cost Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Dec 23, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    The COST of Christmas includes the Cause of our salvation, the futile Contradiction of the truth of God’s sign, and the Calvary payment plan.

    Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church Richmond, VA THE COST OF CHRISTMAS Luke 2:33-35 BACKGROUND: A. Two weeks ago, we began looking at the “C”s of Christmas. The 1st “C” was the Coming as the shoot from the stump of Jesse that will have the more

  • To Be Like A Camel

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Nov 21, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    We, like the Israelites on their exodus, are like a camel, led and controlled by the Master.

    Dr. Tom Doubt July 16, 1995 TO BE LIKE A CAMEL Exodus 17:1-6 BACKGROUND: As you are opening you Bibles to the 17th chapter of Exodus, allow me to provide you with some background for the passage. 1. God had delivered the Israelites from captivity in Egypt; once they had been slaves, but more

  • God Speaks Out Of Storms

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Oct 29, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Surviving a hurricane reminds us that God speaks to us out of the storms of life.

    GOD SPEAKS OUT OF A STORM Dr. Tom Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church [Sunday after Hurricane Isabel] BACKGROUND: A. Illustration: When I was a youngster, I thought my aunt Isabel was an exciting and interesting character. 1. The adults in our family described her more

  • Wholly Walking Holy

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Our spiritual walk is defined by: bearing fruit, growing as we walk, empowered with each step, and giving thanks throughout the walk.

    WHOLLY WALKING HOLY Scripture: COLOSSIANS 1:9-14 Dr. Thomas J. Doubt, Senior Pastor Four Mile Creek Baptist Church June 1, 2001 BACKGROUND: A. Walking has become big business, big news. 1. Supreme Court got involved in whether you walk or ride in PGA. Casey Martin has severe disorder in more

  • What Foundation?

    Contributed by Tom Doubt on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    What can we do about folks who are shooting arrows at the foundations of our faith?

    What Foundation? Psalm 11:1-7 Pastor Tom Doubt Four Mile Creek Baptist Church June 15, 2003 BACKGROUND: A. An old favorite hymn, How Firm A Foundation, has a 4th verse that goes like this: “The soul that hath leaned on Jesus for repose, I will not, I will not desert to His foes; That soul, through more