  • Todd Pope

    Contributing sermons since Nov 9, 2010
Todd's church

New Life Assembly
Janesville, Wisconsin 53546

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  • Fast Forward

    Contributed on Nov 10, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Learning to fast forward our thinking about the consequences of our actions will lead to a more godly life.

    Have you ever been distracted? Accused of not paying attention? Look at some of these fine examples... It seems an epidemic has encompassed our culture. Distracted drivers. Have you ever passed someone shaving, putting on make-up, texting, eating, etc. while driving? Listen to these more

  • R U Gr8ing Or Gr8ful?

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    Each of us is given the opportunity to be grating or grateful, we get to choose which we will be.

    After Michelle and I were married, in one of our early Christmas gift exchanges, she gave me a Franklin Organizer - a day-timer type calendar. At the time, I felt like the wife who was just given a treadmill or vacuum for Valentines Day. My face and demeanor gave me away and she could tell I wasn’t more