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  • The Comfort Whereby I Am Comforted

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Oct 10, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    A recent family crisis taught me many things about how this verse applies to those of us who have coped with crisis and those of us who need to cope.

    The Comfort whereby I Am Comforted 2 Corinthians 1:3-6 It was a parking lot like any other, no unusual obstructions, no special problem places. There might have been a slight unevenness in the pavement, but that’s pretty normal, no real problem. The day before Dad had clambered some of the more

  • The First Six Seals

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The seals show the suffering of the world which believers must endure, even if it means martyrdom, but they are precursors to hope.

    Like other prophecy, Revelation has a layered quality. Some say it is about the Roman Empire beginning with 70 AD. Some say it is about all time since Christ. Others say it is about the last days. I say, yes it is. One interpretation does not necessarily negate another. Rather, like much more

  • The Lamb Who Was Slain

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The scandal of Christ is embodied in Revelation 5. He is God, Equal to Him in every way and worshiped by all.

    I remember a friend of mine suggesting that a waiting till after your death to give people you love something you want them to have is not the best way. If you wait till they get it from your will, in many cases, they must pay an inheritance tax on it. Besides, you don't get to express your esteem more

  • God's Throne Room

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Revelation 4 is pure description. It is a portrait of the throne room of God, calling for awe, fear and reverence.

    When we go to an art museum and look at a great painting, we are sometimes confused as to what the artist was trying to accomplish with his work. This is especially true of abstract art. In our image overloaded society, we seldom take the time to really take in a picture. However, there is a way to more

  • The Resurrection Overcomes Suffering

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 7, 2010

    Jesus' resurrection does not erase suffering or its effects, but it does overcome our suffering. He engages in all the friendly actions necessary to bring about healing and hope.

    Dawn and I talk while we're driving quite often. Sometimes these turn into our best conversations. We've hashed out many of the world's worst problems in those talks. Talking during travel is one of the world's oldest past times. The Canturbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is a record of a chat along more

  • I Am Thirsty Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus' thirst on the cross was a product of His humanity and His deep spiritual thirst for the Living Water He was making available to us.

    Jesus is done. He's done everything He came to do. He hasn't declared it yet, but, in fact, his work on the cross is an accomplished fact and he is ready to die. However, there is one last thing He wants to round out, one last detail. He is filling up the Scriptures. This is not an explicit more

  • What's Going On When God's People Suffer?

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 28, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There are multiple spiritual dynamics to suffering that goes beneath the surface.

    What's going on when God's people suffer? Holy Week is about suffering. It is specifically about the suffering of Jesus, but I believe it like the season of Lent is also about our own mortality. It is a time to reflect on our moral place in life and on the humanity of what we endure, waiting for more

  • The Kingdom Like Malformed Mustard

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 27, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Like an unexpectedly huge mustard plant, the kingdom will grow and comfort, in unexpected ways.

    Like Malformed Mustard Mark 4:30-32 The kingdom of God is like a VW Beetle. It is one of the smallest cars you will ever see. It is not very comfortable or powerful. It is not very stylish or practical. It is very cheap and not impressive in any way. There is no status with owning one. And yet, more

  • Asking And Asking Again

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 20, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Persistent prayer is commanded to us by Christ. If even the unjust judge will respond to it for bad reasons, how much more will the Father respond for good ones?

    Asking and asking again Luke 18:1-8 What is your prayer life like? How long can you pray without stopping? I am not talking about standard written or memorized prayers, I am talking about speaking with God concerning what is on your heart and working to remember everything that should be prayed more

  • What My Dad Should Not Have Taught Me

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    How we as adults reflect on our past sin influences the children in our lives, to expect censure or approval when they sin in similar ways.

    What my dad should not have taught me Genesis 26:1-12 My father has told me many stories. Most of them took place before he became a Christian, because I can remember his life since then. Some of these stories have elements of sin in them. My father and all fathers must ask this question: Does more

  • Lot - The Struggle Of Righteousness

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 19, 2009

    The stories in Genesis present Lot in a very negative light, but Peter and Abraham thought he was righteous. It is a time for adjusting our interpretation.

    Lot – The struggle of righteousness Genesis 18:16-33 This is a classic passage because it depicts something that we somehow know we should not do, bargaining with God. Abraham, out of concern for his nephew Lot, in an episode that sounds like an auction, begs God to be merciful. Five times, more

  • Believing Even When God Wants The Unreasonable

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Mar 19, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Real faith is demonstrated when we have confidence without evidence.

    Believing even when God wants the unreasonable Genesis 22:1-18 Faith is trusting that which we cannot understand. This is why Jesus demands the faith of a child. Because children are called upon all the time to trust their parents in situations they don’t understand. And they do it well. Abraham’s more

  • Prince Caspian: Following, Even If No One Else Will Go Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jan 26, 2009

    Sometimes you have to make the choice to follow God when others around you are failing.

    Prince Caspian: Following, even if no one else will go (Show Prince Caspian Clip, Lucy sees Aslan, or Lucy meets Aslan) The KJV says, "be offended" instead of "fall away". The translation is trying to capture the spiritual implications of what it means to be ensnared by Satan. Jesus is about to more

  • Prince Caspian: Confidence Without Evidence Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jan 21, 2009

    Faith, by definition, requires us to move beyond our senses and our reason into an area that cannot be proven.

    Prince Caspian: Confidence without evidence 1 Peter 1:8-9 The children are confronted with a choice. They don’t know which way to go to get across the gorge and meet Prince Caspian. Earlier in the story, Lucy sees Aslan, and points him out to the others. He is guiding them a specific but hidden more

  • Prince Caspian: Our Special Connection To Nature Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Lewis shows us a profound view of the divinely ordained human stewardship of nature. Are we courageous and responsible enough to accept our role?

    Prince Caspian: Our special connection to nature Genesis 2:15-20 In the last decade over 1000 species of animal were discovered in the Mekong jungles and wetlands of Asia. That averages to a species a week. Among them were never before named types more

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