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  • Engaging Worship

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Finding a place in His world.

    Engaging Worship Psalm 100 June 8, 2008 During the past 3 Sundays and concluding today, we’ve been reading texts from the prayer book of God’s people. During our times together, we have read Psalms 8, 46, 131 and this morning Psalm 100. The theme that I have been identifying in these Psalms is more

  • God's Gift To An Ambitious World

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    What is our place in this world?

    God’s Gift To An Ambitious World Psalm 131 June 1, 2008 Spelling Be story, This week on National Public Radio, they told the story of the ever-increasing difficulty graduating seniors are having in getting into the college of their choosing. Despite high grade point averages. Despite involvement more

  • Questioning Jesus Woman At The Well Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Apr 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How could Jesus love that person?

    Questioning Jesus, Woman At The well John 4:4-30, 39-42 February 24, 2008 Last week - Nicodemus Nicodemus-was a religious professional -who came at night -curious/interested in Jesus He wanted to get in on. Participate Become involved in a relationship with Jesus and leave religion more

  • Questioning Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 10, 2008

    Seeking something deeper with Jesus.

    Questioning Jesus? - Nicodemus John 2:23-3:21 February 17, 2008 Second Sunday of Lent 4 Saturdays ago our family was on a family adventure to Krispy Kreme donuts in Burlington. On Saturdays we try to do something fun as a family. As we were driving through Burlington, we were stopped at a more

  • Questioning Jesus Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 10, 2008

    The ups and downs in life.

    Questioning Jesus - The Tempter Matthew 3:16-4:4 February 10, 2008 Not long after Jesus gives an inspiring - revolutionary - spell-bounding speech on what it is that he represents -what it is he is about. -what he is for. A teacher of the law - a man with a good mind - a man who thinks well - a more

  • Take It To The Limit- Morals Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t cave under pressure, keep your convictions.

    Take It To The Limit February 3, 2008 Daniel 1:1-21 On the top of your bulletin is a quote. A quote I found in an article in our Skagit Valley Herald back in December. It was an article about learning to say no. In order to live into your life. In order to live your life. In order to not let more

  • Take It To The Limit - Time Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Feb 11, 2008

    Spreading yourself to thin.

    Take It To The Limit - Time Exodus 18:1-27 January 27, 2008 Last week we begin a series of talks that I’m calling - "Take it to the Limit." The idea behind these 3 talks is that each of us has limits. You and I have boundaries. Fences Borders Lines of demarcation When it comes to having more

  • Take It To The Limit - Money Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Feb 11, 2008

    Living God’s way financially.

    Take it to the Limit - Money January 20, 2008 Luke 15:11-31, p. 1624 For the next 3 weeks, we are going to be working through a sermon series I’ve titled, "Take it to the Limit." It is a series of messages focused on confronting our culture’s false notion that to live That to really become more

  • Drowning In The Grace Of God

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Feb 11, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Baptism and becoming new.

    Drowning In The Grace Of God Matthew 3:1-17 January 6, 2008 As I have imagined these verses in my mind. I see the Jordan River, running not fast but slow - smooth and calm with not a rapid in sight. I see this 156-mile river near the end of its journey of connecting the Sea of Galilee to the more

  • Christmas Eve Message

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A Great Story

    Christmas Eve Message December 24, 2007 This Is About That Titus 2:11 If we were to visit each other’s garages tonight I guarantee we would find some pretty unique stuff. Some of you are thinking I don’t have a garage, so let’s not be so exact. If we were to visit your attic, shop, your more

  • A Christmas Presence - The Shepherds Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jan 28, 2008

    God’s invitation to Jesus’ birth.

    A Christmas Presence - The Shepherds Luke 2:8-20 December 23, 2007 Picture - show Nativity. For the last four weeks we’ve talked together about God’s desire to have particular people present at the birth of His son. God sent out birth announcements to particular people - specifically inviting more

  • A Christmas Presence - Magi Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jan 28, 2008

    God’s invitation to Jesus’ birth.

    A Christmas Presence - Magi Matthew 2:1-12 December 16, 2007 For 2 weeks now we have sought to be attentive to the group of people our heavenly Father invited to be present at the birth of his son Jesus in Bethlehem. During these 2 weeks, we have identified from the scriptures, the people our God more

  • A Christmas Presence - Mary Series

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    God’s invitation to Jesus’ birth.

    A Christmas Presence - Mary December 9, 2007 Luke 1:26-38 The Bible declares that when the time was right - God the Father birthed Jesus his Son into our world. And when He did - like all proud Fathers do - He got the word out. God the father declares to some specific people that His son - Jesus more

  • Christmas Presence - John The Baptist

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Dec 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A Christmas Presence for Baby Jesus.

    For the next 4 Sundays we are going to be spending our time preparing for Christmas by becoming familiar with those people God invited to be at his son’s birth. When God decided the time was right, he birthed his son in the flesh to be Immanuel - "God with us" and when he did he sent out some more

  • Shift Family

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Dec 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God is with us always.

    It doesn’t take long for us to learn of God’s desire of the first couple in the Bible. In the first chapter of Genesis, v. 27, the text tells us that God created "male and female." And in the following verse, v. 28 we read “God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number, more