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  • Core Becoming A Maritha Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Feb 7, 2009

    As Pastor Terry Continues teaching on becoming a CORE believer, he brings balance to a familiar text of two sisters? Was Mary’s approach a better one? And what exactly is a Maritha? Find out what it is and how to become one.

    People joke with me about making up new words all the time. Here’s a new one for you, “Maritha” it’s akin to “Marthary” Text: Luke 10:38-42 • How many times have you heard this story before? • How often does the presentation of the story shed some negative light on the older sister more

  • Something Bigger Than Me Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jan 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In this second message on developing a healthy church, Pastor Terry continues his series focused on developing CORE within the Body. The first essential to being a person of CORE is to be connected. As a local church and individual members of it, we mus

    Out text is nestled in the middle of dialog between the King and the Prophet and between a worshipper and His God. Chapter 17 opens with the scene of David, perhaps, giving the Prophet Nathan a tour of the Palace. As they walk through the magnificent halls, I can imagine that they step out on a more

  • Core The Making Of A Healthy Church Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jan 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In this focus on developing a healthy church, Pastor Terry begins a series focused on developing CORE within the Body. What is CORE? Check it out.

    2009, I believe, is going to be one of the most interesting years for the Church, and for the individual members of the Body of Christ. I don’t get into these internet “prophets” as a general rule, but I have been particularly interested in what some have had to say regarding the current and more

  • Micah's Shepherd King Wk 3 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Dec 13, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In this third week of Advent we continue to "Major on the Minors" as Pastor Terry looks at the Prophecy of Micah of the one who would come to deliver Israel from captivity and how that same One has come to deliver you and I.

    Again on this third week of Advent we are “majoring on the Minors” as we consider a prophetic word from the Book of Micah. The entire book that bears his name speaks of a redeemer who is unmatched in His compassion toward sinners and His desire to pardon. In one of the prophet’s visions he sees more

  • In Anticipation Of Glory Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Dec 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In this second message of Advent Pastor Terry looks to the prophecies of Haggai’s Desire of Nations as Man’s hope for experiencing the Glory of God.

    For the last three weeks we have been “majoring on the Minors” – the Minor Prophets that is, as we have looked at the coming of Christ, the Messiah through the prophetic eyes of men like Hosea, Zechariah and now, the prophet Haggai. Haggai and Zechariah came on the scene of Israel’s return from more

  • In Anticipation Of Splendor Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In this first message of Advent, Pastor Terry will share what the anticipation is all about. Do we have to wait to experience the Splendor of Christ? Strick the match and light the candle, it’s time to find out!

    Text: Hosea 13:14 It’s the first Sunday of Advent!! Today opens the celebration of the Christmas season here at Christ Fellowship. The house is decorated, the wreath is in place, but what’s it all about? Tonight we will gather for a great time of fellowship and worship as we light the first more

  • It's Your Time Now Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    In Prime Time Christianity, Pastor Terry will look at our impact for Christ in the world around us with some help from this seasons more popular prime time Television Series. In this conclusion of the series Pastor Terry encourages the Body to take advan

    In praying over this morning message, I wanted to kind of stay in the flow of the work the Holy Spirit has been doing in the last week. As I prayed, the Lord dropped “Now is the Time” into my spirit. I started looking for scripture that held that phrase when the Lord directed me to this morning’s more

  • Jericho - When Your World Drastically Changes Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008

    In Prime Time Christianity, Pastor Terry will look at our impact for Christ in the world around us with some help from this seasons more popular prime time Television Series. In this, forth message in the series Pastor Terry asks us to consider what to d

    Jericho is a small rural town in Kansas. This sleepy little town awoke on day to learn that the world as they had known it had changed forever. Somewhere in the distance, possibly as far a Denver, an atomic bomb had been detonated. What was worse, with all communication and electricity down, more

  • Being A Soul Survivor Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008

    In Prime Time Christianity, Pastor Terry will look at our impact for Christ in the world around us with some help from this seasons more popular prime time Television Series. In this third message of the series Pastor Terry looks at the keys of Kingdom s

    Have you ever wanted to be on Survivor? It’s a pretty brutal test of physical and mental strength. It’s emotionally challenging as you are taken from your everyday life, your family and friends and the everyday conveniences we have all become so accustomed to. Personally, I’m not rushing to more

  • Lost - But Not A Total Loss Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    In Prime Time Christianity, Pastor Terry will look at our impact for Christ in the world around us with some help from this seasons more popular prime time Television Series. In this second message of the series Pastor Terry will challenge the Body to se

    (We will consider selected text throughout the 27th and 28th chapters of Acts) ABC will run the third season of their prime time drama of 48 plane crash survivors who find themselves marooned on a remote Pacific island. They don’t know where they are and worse yet, it seems no one else does more

  • Prime Time Christianity Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008

    In the series Prime Time Christianity, Pastor Terry will look at our impact for Christ in the world around us with some help from this seasons more popular prime time Television Series. In this introduction we will be challenged to consider this our prim

    In the next few weeks Network Television will be scrambling for your audience as they launch the season premieres of numerous television series. Again this year Reality Television is flooding the airways and cable lines. By far, I think ABC has something going in their line up. I mean look more

  • Getting The House Ready Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    In this introduction to the series "Welcome Home" Pastor Terry encourages the Church to stand ready to receive "all who will come in" to the Body of Christ.

    When the Father ordered things ready for a welcome home party, one thing was left out…. Preparing emotionally. • Not told how the servants responded • No question of the brother’s response. • He began to pout • He wouldn’t come into the house • Satan wants to get us away from the rest of the more

  • You Can Not Fail If You Love

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message was delivered by Pastor Terry at the 2008 Nations Network of Ministers Conference. In this encouragement to Pastors and church leaders, Pastor Terry reminds us of the key ingredient to successful ministry - Love!

    A young man called on Watchman Nee on day distressed and fearful that he was losing his salvation. “I pray and pray to be faithful to Christ” he cried, “yet I continue to do the most displeasing things”. As if not responding to the young man at all Nee said “see that dog lying at my feet? He is more

  • God's Immeasurable Love Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008

    With a fresh look at a very familiar text Pastor Terry begins the series "Welcome Home" with a look at God’s immeasurable love for mankind.

    “For God loved so much…” “that He gave…” Romans 8:32 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Is this your concept of God? A gracious Creator who - - - gives? What about all of the evil in the world? What more

  • What's That In The Bushes Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Nov 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    WHen your in the thick of a problem, stop and listen, God’s provision is nearby.

    Background of story • God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation • God gave Abraham and Sarah a son, Isaac, in their old age • In the context of our scripture reading this morning: o God told Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice to God Genesis 22:1-2 1 Now it more