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  • Ragging Sauls Series

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon will help those that feel like the devil is out to steal, kill and destory you.

    If you remember in the first lesson David told us how to defeat our giants. Do you remember how to... - face them head on - get to the head of the problem - be brave no matter what the circumstances or situation looks like - Not be scared - Keep your focus on Jesus, rather than your giants - more

  • Silent Phones Series

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Aug 23, 2007

    What you need or want just be patient and wait on God to call you.

    You remember last lesson we talked about David and how he defeated Goliath. David helped us learn how to defeat our giants. You remember? - Face them head on - Get to the head of the problem - Be brave no matter what the circumstances or situation looks like - Do not be scared - Keep your more

  • How To Face Your Giants Series

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Aug 22, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    No matter how big your problems are, you will not face them alone. God is always there.

    All credit goes to Max Lucuado for these series of stories of Facing your Giants, Story of David This is a very familiar story. This story has been preached, read and told about for many generations but let us look at this thing and see can we lift some nuggets from this text to help us with our more

  • Who, What, When, Where, And Why; Lessons From Some Harlots

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Jun 21, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermons allows one to understand that one should not question God when He is using them to improve their life for the better, no matter how bad or tragic the situation gets.

    My brothers and sisters we are living in the last and evil days, my brothers and sisters we are living in some crucial times. We are living in a time were everybody is in everybody’s business, We are living in a world where stuff is happening all over the world and our leaders are needing to step more

  • After All I Have Been Through,i Still Have Joy

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Jun 1, 2007
    based on 70 ratings

    No matter what comes your way, You still have Joy!

    The Author of out text is David; you do remember David don’t you? - His name means “beloved”, a man after God’s own heart - You remember David, Jesse’s boy; he watched the sheep as a boy - You know David, he was a musician - David, an armor bearer for King Saul, he killed Goliath. - This same more

  • Stay In The Race

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon helps one to look at the good and bad and understand no matter what they go through in life they have to Stay in the Race.

    For our lesson today, we are looking at the life of King Solomon. Solomon was a good man. Solomon was the son of King David. He was appointed the King of Israel and Judah by his farther, King David. Solomon was the son of Bathsheba (you remember her; David had her husband killed when he cheated more

  • God Is Keeping Me

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Mar 7, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    An encouraging sermon for the new year or church anniversary

    Traditionally the New Year is a time of new beginnings. It is a time that we make new commitments to do better in the New Year than we did in the last year. It is a time that we sit down and make a list of how we are going to better in the New Year, than we did in the old. (Can I get a witness?) more

  • We Shall Recover It All

    Contributed by Stephen Robinson D on Mar 6, 2007
    based on 50 ratings

    A sermon of encouragment when it seems like the devil has you defeated. You can have your stuff back!

    My bro & sis we are living in the last and evil days. My bros & sis we are living in a crazy time. We are living in a world where people are running around out of control. We live in a world filled with people plotting terroristic attacks on our country We live in a world where some of us has more