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  • The Sanctity Of Unborn Life

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Jan 24, 2002
    based on 155 ratings

    A Scriptural view of the unborn.

    Introduction: This past summer the nation was clamouring over fetal tissue cell research. As I pondered the question I turned to the Scriptures to see what the Word of God really had to say about unborn life. I believe the Lord led me to this passage of Scripture in Jeremiah. Jeremiah is more

  • A Saving Response To Christ

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Apr 30, 2001
    based on 189 ratings

    How to respond to Christ with saving faith.

    Introduction: What constitutes a saving response to the resurrected Lord? James says the "demons believe and tremble". If salvation is more than mere mental ascent to a set of facts, what does real saving belief look like? This is what Paul lays out in this verse. (READ Romans 10:9) There are more

  • The Last Supper

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Mar 17, 2001
    based on 940 ratings

    Observations made of the Last Supper and applied to the obervance of the Lord’s Supper.

    Introduction: One of the biblical scenes that artists have tried to portray more than any other is the Last Supper scene. Each artist uses his imagination as he paints the scene. In some paintings the mood is festive, the disciples portrayed with smiling faces looking up to Jesus. In others the more

  • Keys To Contentment

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Jan 26, 2001
    based on 261 ratings

    Keys to peace of mind.

    Introduction: I remember watching a Mayberry episode in which a fancy New York preacher came to town. He preached a sermon about slowing down. He said, "All we do is rush, rush, rush. Slow down, enjoy life." After the service the people of Mayberry decided to build the band stand in the park, more

  • What Christmas Is Really All About

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Dec 23, 2000
    based on 154 ratings

    A reminder of and a discovery of the true meaning of Christmas.

    INTRODUCTION: A little boy drew a manger scene in his Sunday School class. When he was done he showed the teacher what he had drawn. There was Mary and Joseph, and baby Jesus, and the animals, and the shepherds, and a chubby boy sitting by the baby Jesus. The teacher asked, "who is this chubby more

  • How To Be A Difference Maker

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Dec 9, 2000
    based on 307 ratings

    How to be a high impact Christian in a lost world.

    Introduction: Every year at Christmas time one of my favorite movies is shown on TV, "It’s A Wonderful Life", staring Jimmy Stewart. In the movie Jimmy plays a man named George Bailey. George has big dreams of going to college and being a world traveler. Instead, he winds up having to take over more

  • How To Be An Instrument Of God's Peace

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Dec 2, 2000
    based on 184 ratings

    How to be used of God to promote peace and unity in the body of Christ.

    Introduction: A great saint from ages past once prayed, "Lord make me an instrument of thy peace". What a lofty goal, to be used of God to bring peace to the lives of others. Jesus said this would be a common characteristic of God’s children. He said, "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall more

  • Hope For A Hopeless Generation

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Nov 17, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    An Evaluation of our Nation. A consideration of where we have come from, where we are now, where we are headed as a nation. A biblical perspective.

    Introduction: The eyes of the world are focused on the United States of America right now. Many Americans are living with a sense of suspense. Who will be the next president? What does the future hold for the United States of America? Today I want to look at our nation from a biblical more

  • Are You Really Living?

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Nov 11, 2000
    based on 265 ratings

    Looking to Jesus as an example of how to live the abundant Christian life.

    INTRODUCTION: I would like to begin today by asking you a question. Are you living or existing? You see there is a difference. The vast majority of people on earth today are existing. They are waking up in the morning, going to work or school, keeping house, whatever the case may be. They are more

  • Love Divine All Love Excelling

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Nov 4, 2000
    based on 151 ratings

    A consideration of Divine Love

    Introduction: I want us to consider the Love of God. In the 80's a popular music group sang a song that I believe is the heartcry of our generation. They said, "I want to know what Love is, and I want you to show me". Our world is searching for Love but they dont really know what it is. more

  • Acceptable Motives For Ministry

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 146 ratings

    INTRODUCTION: This morning I want to talk to you about motives, particualarly motives for serving God.

    INTRODUCTION: This morning I want to talk to you about motives, particualarly motives for serving God. Many people serve God but not all for the same reasons. We know that there are definitely some reasons for serving God that are unacceptable. Jesus made it clear that striving for position and more

  • What Every Church Needs

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 547 ratings

    A description of, definition of, and a directive for real church revival.

    Intro. I’ve entitled this message, "What Every Church Needs". A little boy went to church with his father one morning. That night before he went to bed he knelt down and said his prayers. He said, "God, we had a great time at church today. Wish you would have been there. All to often this is the more