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  • Removing Guilt & Shame Series

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible clearly teaches that God does NOT hate divorce, and the divorced ARE allowed to remarry! This Bible teaching has the power to set you free from prejudice and discrimination.

    Note: Full PPT Slides and color booklet are free to download from Slide # 1 Into The Blender! 8 weeks of practical, down to earth tools and resources for families, step-families, divorce and remarriage! Week Three Removing Guilt and Shame and Discrimination too more

  • '30 Second' Offering Devotions For Church Services!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jul 20, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    Over one year worth of high quality ’30 second devotions’ on the topics of Tithing, Giving and Money, that you (or your service leaders) can present on Sunday without any prior reading or preparation!

    ‘30 second’ Offering Devotions for Church Services! FUll PPT Slides and color booklet available free to download from Compiled and adapted by: Ps Roger Spackman Te Atatu Baptist Church © Research, more

  • The Devil Of Dualism!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jul 10, 2007

    Do you give GOD the glory for the good things in life, but are tempted to rebuke the DEVIL when things get tough? Chances are, you are suffering from the ancient heresy called DUALISM!

    Note: Full PPT Slides are freely available for this sermon from Let’s open our Bibles to John chapter 11. One of the biggest questions I ask myself, and indeed – often ask other people – is this: ‘What on earth is the purpose of coming to church - why do we do it – for more

  • Toxic Religion Vs Growing In Grace! Series

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Toxic Religion! Series covering 21 areas of Toxic Religion that are ’burning’ the church, both pastors and congregations. You won’t like this series, but you need it, so does your congregation!

    Full Printed Booklet, available BEFORE church for every attendee. Word count 4,200. Time to preach. 40 minutes. Toxic Religion verses Growing in Grace! Study Number One - Introduction March 06th 2007 Pastor Roger Spackman Te Atatu Baptist Church C:\…Preaching Teaching\Toxic Religion 01.doc © more

  • So - How Do I Actually Become A Christian!?

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Step by step guidance on how to become a Christian - all from the Bible, includes the need to repent and grow in Christ. I use this study to include in all my sermon booklet handouts for Seeker Services.

    So – how do I become a Christian? The central theme of the Bible is God’s love for you and for all people. This love was revealed when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world as a human being, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. Because Christ died, your more

  • The Baby With The Bathwater!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    God’s creation is AWESOME - including the creation of life. This sermon has already saved the life of one innocent baby that was destined for abortion. Full powerpoint color slides and photos available!

    Slide # 1 The baby with the bathwater! There is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus! Romans 8:1 Full power-point photo slides are available for this sermon. Contact the author on: October 29th 2006 Pastor Roger Spackman Te Atatu Baptist more

  • Keys To A Renewed Mind And Transformed Life! Part 2.

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Getting to the HEART of our personality and character, and how God REALLY transforms and sanctifies us. Most sermons just ’pick at the fruit’ - this one goes to the heart and foundations!

    Slide # 1 Keys for a transformed life and a renewed mind! Part 2 of 2 ‘You’d better get a coffee – you might need it!’ Going to the heart of it! Credit given to David Riddell – Living Wisdom – Friend, Mentor and Supervisor To listen, read or download this and over 200 other messages. more

  • Keys To A Renewed Mind And Transformed Life! Part 1.

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Practical, Biblical and empowering tools to set YOU free from addictions, phobias, compulsions, fears and anxiety. This is how God REALLY transforms our hearts and minds! Over sixty keys for sanctification. You’d better grab yourself a cup of coffee!!!

    Slide # 1 Keys for a transformed life and a renewed mind! Part 1 of 2 Introduction Lifting the Band-Aid! Credit given to David Riddell – Living Wisdom – Friend, Mentor and Supervisor Slide # 2 In the last days – God’s Word promises us – that Christians will ‘leave behind sound doctrine, and more

  • Spiritual Warfare - Thought Control!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 16, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Your mind is the #1 battlefield of your life. Learn practical keys as to prevent satan having access in your thoughts & relationships & break his lies! Practical and uplifting, insightful and thoroughly Biblical!

    Slide # 1 The battle field of our mind! (Note: This sermon was one of the most impacting, insightful and helpful I have written, and resulted in much fruit for the Kingdom - restored relationships, dedication to God, repentance and holiness! Please excuse the New Zealand application :-) Did more

  • The Power Of The Name Of Jesus!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 16, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Powerful, balanced teaching on the full extent of the POWER of the Name of Jesus. Victory! Deliverance and Freedom. Personal testimonies, birthed in the Word and Spirit of God!

    The Bible tells us that we are in a spiritual war, a spiritual battle. But what does this mean? How do we define spiritual warfare? As Christians, are we meant to take up some new form of Jihad – of physical fighting and terrorism? No – not at all. Spiritual warfare is an understanding that more

  • 'call For The Elders!'

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 16, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Over a 20 year period, you have listened to over 1000 sermons! This one will encourage & strengthen you! Identify with James, brother of Jesus who journeyed from unbelief to full faith in God! Learn that it’s okay to doubt! Jesus transforms it into faith!

    I’d like to do a short ‘quiz’ with you this morning, in fact it’s really easy, has only one question – and is quite entertaining and enlightening! I want to find the person here this morning - who has been going to church for the longest time. (Longer than five year? Ten? Fifteen? Twenty? more

  • A Taste Of Heaven - Healing.

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    What you always wanted to know, but were too afraid to ask! Powerful and balanced Bible sermon on the misunderstood topic of healing. Sometimes it takes greater faith to still believe in a healing God - and die, than it does to be healed! PP Slides avail.

    (Note: I’m sure some of this material is gleaned from Willow Creek - I remembered some of the illustrations from decades ago - before I was a full time pastor.) A taste of heaven - healing - what you always wanted to know, but were too afraid to ask! You’ve heard it said, and you know it to be more

  • God's Most Neglected Gift - The Language Of Your Dreams!

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    God has given you a ’specific and individual’ gift that can be unlocked and used each and every day – rather night – of your life! Your personal counsellor, guide and help! Keys to unlocking this dormant gift. Includes Dream Log (with practical example).

    Note: Full Power Point Slides available from the author. Credit given to the following research books: Dreams and dream narratives in the biblical world / HUSSER, Jean-Marie Your dreams : God’s neglected gift / RIFFEL, Herman H. I’m excited about today’s Bible study. I’m excited about it, more

  • Killing Giants In Our Lives

    Contributed by Roger Spackman on Nov 7, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Overcoming depression, phobias and disapoinment through applying the principles of David and Goliath! God can turn your ’scars into stars’ and ’your tragedies into triumphs’! Uplifting and very encouraging sermon. Full PP slides available.

    Goal/purpose This message is one of encouragement for our people to press into God with the difficulties of life. To receive instruction from the Word of God in being able to gain perspective on our problems. To see life from God’s point of view and not be overcome with despair when difficulties more