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  • On The Third Day: Another Earth Shaking,

    Contributed by Roger Nichols on Apr 24, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on the resurrection for Easter sunday from the gospel of Matthew

    Matthews 28: 1-15 On the third day: another earth shaking, life-giving, heart changing moment. After Jesus died on the cross, The very religious, Pharisees and Priests Were determined That when it came to Jesus, death should have The last word. They didn’t want to be more

  • A Royal Welcome

    Contributed by Roger Nichols on Apr 16, 2011

    A Palm Sunday Sermon on John 12: 12-29

    John 12: 12-19 A Royal Welcome Not long before this story in scripture began, Jesus had called to his very dead friend Lazarus, And Lazarus breathed in the breath of life, Shook off the stink of death, And walked right out of his tomb. And then, the crowds Went wild For Jesus. Imagine more

  • Blindness, Sight, Insight

    Contributed by Roger Nichols on Apr 2, 2011

    a sermon exploring the man born blind's journey from darkness to light,

    Sermon John 9: 5-42 Blindness/Sight/Insight In the gospel of John, Light is LIFE. And darkness Is … Death. And, as to people (?) You either lived in the light, OR You lived in darkness. It’s a pretty stark contrast, I know, But John’s gospel takes us there more

  • Water, Spirit, Life

    Contributed by Roger Nichols on Mar 26, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Living water and the Spirit: the gift of Jesus

    John 5: 1-42 Can I give you a drink? Bringing water To the thirsty Was never really A problem for God. If needed, God Could get Water From a rock (!) Which, is what God did For the very thirsty people of Israel, When they wandering around the wilderness. Or if you find more

  • Light Following, Darkness Shattering Disciples

    Contributed by Roger Nichols on Jan 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the 3rd sunday of Epiphany, Year A from Matthew 4: 12-25

    Matthew 4: 12-25 Darkness shattering, light following, Disciples I was washing dishes Friday night, [Yeah, I do that sort of thing] And everything suddenly Went dark. Our electric power, Along with the electric power of a few neighbors, Went out. You know what the first thing I did more