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  • "Are The Bible And Church Relevant Today?” Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on May 14, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    #2 in a series of four messages in the "What If It’s True?" campaign. This is intended to assist pastors whose churches are involved in the evangelistic outreach.

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing The word Relevant means “Logically connected with and important to the matter in hand; appropriate, germane, pertinent.” To some the Word of God and the Church of Jesus Christ do not always seem “Logically connected” or “important more

  • "Does God Care About Me?” Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on May 10, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    One of a series of four messages in the "What If It’s True?" campaign. This is intended to assist pastors whose churches are involved in the evangelistic outreach.

    Pastor Rick A. Flowers First Baptist Church - Flushing, MI “Does God Care About Me?” Psalm 139:1-6 This is week #3 of the “What If It’s True?” campaign. For approximately 6 weeks, hundreds of ads were run on local cable channels, asking the question, “What If It’s True?” These ads were more

  • God's Requirements For Revival: Repentance Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 86 ratings

    If our nation will ever turn back to God, it must begin with Christians first! In the work of the Lord, we can so easily forget the Lord of the Work! I hope these messages will remind us of the importance keeping God the priority!

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing (Fourth of a four-part series) "God’s Requirements For Genuine Revival - Repentance" 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 As we conclude our study on "God’s Requirements For Genuine Revival", let us review the previous three requirements as set more

  • God's Requirements For Revival: Seeking God Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 174 ratings

    If our nation will ever turn back to God, it must begin with Christians first! In the work of the Lord, we can so easily forget the Lord of the Work! I hope these messages will remind us of the importance of keeping our walk with God the priority of our l

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing (Third of a four-part series) "God’s Requirements For Revival - Seeking God" 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 As we have seen to this point, the first two "Requirements For Genuine Revival" are Humility and Prayer. Today we will consider the more

  • God's Requirements For Revival: Prayer Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    If our nation will ever turn back to God, it must begin with Christians first! In the busyness of our Christian service, we can so easily forget the Lord of the Work! I hope these messages will remind us of the importance of keeping our walk with God the

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing (Second in a four-part series on Revival) "God’s Requirements For Genuine Revival: Prayer" 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 Review: Charles G. Finney defined Revival as: “Nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God. Just as in the case of a more

  • God's Requirements For Revival: Humility Series

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on Jan 15, 2002
    based on 235 ratings

    If our nation will ever turn back to God, it will be because Christians have turned back first! In the busyness of our Christian service, we can so easily forget the Lord of the Work! I hope these messages will remind us of the importance of keeping our

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing (First in a Four-Part Series on Revival) “God’s Requirements For Genuine Revival: Humility" 2 Chronicles 7:11-15 I felt led of the Lord to begin a four-part series entitled “God’s Requirements For Genuine Revival.” In about more

  • Can Your Faith Be Seen?

    Contributed by Rick Flowers on Jan 8, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    Genuine Christianity is not simply a claim we make, but the evidence of a changed life that can be seen by others. Can People See Your Faith?

    Pastor Rick Flowers First Baptist Church of Flushing, MI “Can Your Faith Be Seen?” Mark 2:1-5 One question that every Believer should consider is “Can My Faith Be Seen By Others?” We should endeavor to be a verbal witness for Christ to those we come in contact with, but that’s not always more