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  • Light Of The World

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Dec 23, 2024

    This is a Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service. It details how Christ has brought light into our lives.

    “Light of the World” Candle Lighting Service Sermon Isaiah 9: 2-7 This is the season of Light! Light is a wonderful gift to us. The light on our Christmas trees represent God giving us the perfect light, Jesus Christ. Just think how our lives would change without it. Light drives out more

  • Peace At Christmas

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Dec 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is about putting Christ first in our Christmas and offers the wisdom of Solomon that puts us in the proper place. Advent and Christmas are not about us, they are about receiving the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ.

    “Peace at Christmas: Sermon Advent 3 2022 Ecclesiastes 1: 1-11, John 14: 12-14, 27-29 It feels good to be back in this holy place again. I truly have missed each and every one of you. I have longed to be here and feel the magic of our worship together. So, let me say alleluia! Now we can more

  • Doing Your Duty With A Little Faith

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on May 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is a lesson about using the gifts that God has already given us instead of wishing our lives away wanting what God has not ordained. It features the problem that the first disciples were having and Jesus' answer to them when they asked for more faith.

    Doing Your Duty with a Little Faith Luke 17: 5-10, 2 Timothy 1:3-12 The Apostles were with Jesus daily. They saw miracles that would make their hearts stand still and yet they wanted more faith. What more could Jesus possibly give them? The answer is, he doesn’t give them anything more. more

  • The Gospel According To You

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on May 7, 2022

    This sermon seeks to encourage Christians to be aware of how we live our lives. It asks the question, "If you were put on trail for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

    The Gospel According to You Colossians 3: 1-17 Here at our church we are constantly talking about the mighty acts of God. How He created everything….you and me and all the birds and animals…How he destroyed the world by water when man proved to be too sinful…..How he sent more

  • The Day Of The Lord

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 24, 2021

    This sermon is about the end of time, The Day of the Lord. It looks at Eschatology from the point of a changing world and church and supplies scriptural evidence of the fair warning we are given. No preacher can ignore God’s call to prepare his flock for The Day of the Lord.

    The Day of the Lord Joel 2:24-32 Joel 2:27-32New American Standard Bible (NASB) 27 “Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God, And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame. The Promise of the Spirit 28 “[a]It will come more

  • Hurry Up And Wait

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Dec 7, 2017

    This is a sermon about the second coming of Christ. It asks the question, "if God somehow came to you and told you the world would end tomorrow, how would you change your life?"

    Hurry Up and Wait! 2 Peter 3:8-15 Sunday 12/10/17 The Second Sunday in Advent One of the most frustrating things I know is to travel on an airplane. What I hate about it is that you find yourself in a helpless cycle of Hurry Up and Wait. You know what I mean? You must be at the more

  • A Team Player

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on May 3, 2017

    This is a funeral sermon of someone who had been a faithful Christian all of her long life.

    Today we celebrate Alberta Johnson’s life and witness…..but we also come to worship God. The Great I Am. Who makes everything possible for us today. It is He who created us, it is He who has watched over us along the way. And it is He who has provided for us a Savior, Jesus Christ. And it is more

  • Meant For Each Other

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Nov 2, 2016

    This is a wedding sermon that expresses the providence of God within the covenant of marriage.

    “Meant For Each Other” Adam and Sara What a truly wonderful day this is! Today, the Great I AM, Jehovah God himself has call us all together, as brothers and sisters in Christ, to witness this Holy covenant made between Him and Adam and Sara. We know throughout history, God has dealt with more

  • An Awesome Purpose

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 31, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores the question, What is the meaning of life? With the answer being found in God and his purpose for our lives.

    “An Awesome Purpose” Jeremiah 1: 1-10 A little boy came home from church looking visibly upset. His mother asked what was wrong. "We learned a stupid song in Sunday School today." "What was the song?" the mother asked. "It says Jesus wants us to be his sunbeam." more

  • Be Humble Or Be Humbled

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 30, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon is an example of the thought that every sermon should begin with praising God and remembering his great deeds. This sermon also explores the right frame of mind that the Christian must have in order to approach God.

    Be Humble or Be Humbled Luke 18: 9-14 How happy and honored I am to be here with you this morning. Brothers and Sisters we are all here today by the calling of Our Father. We have come to worship Him, the Great I Am. The only Worthy One who has graciously inclined His attention to us more

  • Reformation

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 29, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon takes a brief look at the errors of the Church that gave birth to the Reformation and puts forth an argument for the need of a new reformation.

    Luke 18:35-43 (New International Version) A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight 35 As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. 36When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. 37 They told him, "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by." 38 He called out, more

  • Prompte Et Sincere

    Contributed by Richard L. Brown on Oct 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This is a "Independence Day" sermon. This sermon is about how God has given us freedom from sin, not freedom to sin, and opens to us the glorious right to serve him as His children.

    PROMPTE ET SINCERE Romans 6: 12-23 June 29, 2014 Independence Day Several months ago I began to put the words “COR MEUM TIBI OFFERO DOMINE PROMPTE ET SINCERE” on the top of our bulletin. I remember asking if anyone knew what those words meant and I challenged the congregation to find more