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  • The Fast God Chooses

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Feb 8, 2014

    While we try to please God on our own terms, God wants us to live for Him. We call it a "fast" when we do without a self-serving behavior for a limited period of time, but what God calls a "fast" is a life dedicated to serving others.

    Abou ben Adhem had a dream. He awakened with a start to find an angel in his room, writing in a golden book. He said to the angel, “What writest thou?” and the angel replied, “The names of those who love the Lord.” “And is mine one?” he inquired. “Nay, not more

  • Come And See What God Can Do

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jan 18, 2014

    Come and see. It's a powerful invitation that will change lives and build churches. Jesus is the answer and there are so many people who we know who need to come and see.

    Have you heard the song, "Come and See?" It's a good song... that taps into the theme of my message today, and it begins like this: To all who are tortured and ravished by sin; the frail and the wounded about to give in; there's news of release and captivity's end; we've been set free... come and more

  • The Secret To Generosity

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Oct 12, 2013

    People give for many different reasons, but the key to joyful giving is love.

    It was in the fall of 1968... I interviewed for a job with the Iowa Commission for the Blind. I was sitting across the desk from Kenneth Jernigan, Director of the Commision and President of the National Federation of the Blind. "How much do you want?" he asked, and I said, "$6800." It was strange more

  • Are You... A Fool For Christ... Or Just A Fool?

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Oct 1, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    if we live for "Christ" the world will call us a fool. If we don't, we will truly be a fool. There is no in-bewteen because those who lose their lives for his sake will find them and live with Him forever.

    In the fall of 1976, Lu Ratmeyer led me in the "sinner's prayer," and in the spring of 1977, I joined a church for the first time in my life. Actually, I threw myself into as if my life depended on it. There were Sunday morning services, Sunday evening services, midweek services, adult education more

  • Forgiveness Must Have A Face

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Sep 22, 2013

    There's nothing more important to a Christian than forgiveness. It is the basis of our salvation, and we can't love one another as He loved us without forgiving one another. Therefore, we need to understand what forgiveness is and what it is not.

    "When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realized that the Lord doesn't work that way... so I stole a bicycle... and asked him to forgive me." Well, there are 100s of jokes about forgiveness- the one I read is by Emo Phillips- and there are legions of people who more

  • Have You Heard God's Calling? Have You Answered?

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Sep 13, 2013

    God still appears to us, and He still calls us in many ways. While it is hard to hear Him calling above the din of the world's chatter, He is calling, and He is visible for those who have eyes to see.

    In the earliest church, there wasn't a single member who had a financial need for long because, whenever a need arose, the wealthier members sold a piece of their land and gave the proceeds to the church. This ministry of grace (Acts 4) appears to have been commonplace... but the only man mentioned more

  • Our Disappointed God

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Aug 18, 2013

    From the moment that he discovered that Adam and Eve were hiding in their nakedness to the moment that he hung on his cross, God has been disappointed in our choosing death over life. This magnifies his grace, even as it challenges our discipleship.

    I came one day to this vineyard of mine; hoping, expecting that it would all be fine. The soil was rich, the corner... divine; I loved it, for sure- this vineyard of mine. The water was plenty, the sun warm and bright; I worked it by day and watched it by night. The hedge was protective, the more

  • Worship Is A Verb

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Aug 10, 2013

    We worship God in the way we live. Worship is a matter of obedience and service: if we love God with all of our hearts and treat others as if they were Christ, we are worshiping God faithfully. Church ritual will never replace real worship. We must repent

    Everyday Christianity with Pastor Kenn Shedenhelm Biblical and theological thoughts on life and events in life. Some will come packaged as sermons- some simply as reflections. Classic Like most of Israel’s prophets, Isaiah was concerned with matters of mercy and justice, more

  • In The Potter's Hands

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jul 27, 2013

    Being in God's hands is, or course, a place of comfort and safety, but it's also a place in which we find ourselves to be acountable for our faithfulness. Also, since God's Hands are the Potter's Hands, being in His hands is a place of utter surrender.

    Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, help me stand... He's got little bitty baby in his hands; he's got you and me, brother, in his hands; He's got the whole world in His hands... Why should I feel discouraged; why should the shadows come; His eye is on the sparrow and I know He cares for more

  • Nit Pickers And Drop Givers

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jul 6, 2013

    The love we sow is the love we will reap. One of the marks of the church is the love which members show to one another, We are called to love one another as Christ loves us, and Paul speaks to this in his letter to the church at Galatia.

    As Christians, we are called- even commanded- to love one another as Christ loves us. This is a daunting task, but it is also the seed we must sow. The good news is that we can do it- if we become new creations in Christ, we can show His love to others in meaningful and concrete ways. This morning, more

  • If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Iowa

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jun 20, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The joy and love and peace that awaits us in heaven is beyond our imagination! It supersedes anything we have known on earth.

    People often ask me about heaven. Will my grandpa and grandma be there? Will they be the same age- will they like the same things they like(d) on earth? How about my little poodle, "Itty Bit"? Will my pets and my friends be in heaven? From time to time, I am asked these questions and more

  • A Priest In Your Own Home

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jun 13, 2013

    Christian fathers are called to be faithful in many ways, They are called to lead their families spiritually, to live exemplary lives, and to represent Christ at home.

    “A good father should be… sober, decent, supportive, patient, authoritative, respectful, playful, fair, affectionate, exemplary, engaged, and present.” Can I hear an “amen”? According to an article that appeared in the Chicago Tribune a few years ago, good fathers more

  • Dancing Like A Fool

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on Jun 6, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    When God blesses us with moments of joy, we must give ourselves to the joy and dance with all our might. The Holy Spirit will not have it any other way

    It had been a rocky ride for David… with little more than a prayer, he had slain Goliath, but he had also been a victim of Saul’s madness, He had experienced great highs and some deep lows, but now, he was dancing with all his might, because he was bringing the ark home. The ark more

  • The Power Of Remembering

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on May 25, 2013

    On Memorial Day we are invited to remember those who have died for our liberty, those who have touched our own lives in meaningful ways, and of course and most of all, the sacrificial and atoning blood of our Lord Jesus

    I walked through a county courthouse square. On a park bench, an old man was sittin’ there. I said, Your old flag pole in leaned a little bit, and that’s a ragged old flag you got sittin’ on it.” “Well,” he said, “I don’t like to brag, but we’re more

  • What's Going On Around Here?

    Contributed by Rev Ken Shedenhelm on May 1, 2013

    In the so-called mainline churches, many members cling to the adage, "We've never done it that way before!" As the religious people in Jesus' time discovered, hanging on to the old will blind us to the new thing that God is doing in our midst.

    Our lectionary passages this morning concern radical change, perhaps none more radical that Peter's vision in the 11th chapter of Acts. Most of us don't give much thought to what we eat and, if we do, our concern is more with calories than holiness. We don't consider food groups to be "clean" or more