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  • One God ... Or Three?

    Contributed by Pierre Naude on May 6, 2011

    Christians are often confused by the concept of the trinity. Do we serve one God ... or three? Try this lesson in Christian Maths!

    The Holy Trinity Deut 6.1-9 Jn 14:6-27 Have you ever struggled with the idea of the Trinity - one God in three beings? Our Christian faith has such strong roots in the Old Testament that we “know” that “The Lord is One” – after all, isn’t that what is more

  • Isn't Christianity Arrogant?

    Contributed by Pierre Naude on May 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Christains are so often accused of being arrogant when they claim that Jesus is the only way. If you know someting to be the truth, is it arrogant to claim that?!

    Isn’t Christianity Arrogant? Jn 14.1-6 I’m sure we all understand the word ‘blasphemy’ – “using the Lord’s name in an inappropriate way” – perhaps as a swear word or a curse, or even just thoughtlessly. But have you ever noticed that more

  • Creation Or Evolution?

    Contributed by Pierre Naude on May 6, 2011

    Many Christians struggle with Evolutionary Science apparently contradicting the Bible. As we look at the evidence again, as some scientists reach what they think is the pinnacle of their achievement and knowledge, we find that the theologian has been sit

    Creation or Evolution? Gen 1 “In the beginning, God …” says the Bible. “In the beginning, goo …” say the evolutionists. Scientist Harold Hill, rather tongue-in-cheek, suggests that we have come “from goo to you by way of the zoo”! Our school more