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  • You Are Not Just A Number To The Lord

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on May 15, 2006
    based on 70 ratings

    The Story of Philip ministering to the Ethiopian eunuch teaches us the value God places on each human soul. The world might not treat us as anything special, but we are precious to the Lord.

    Easter 5 Acts 8:26-40 4**-2*-85*5 is a very important number to me. Can you guess what significance there is in those numbers? It’s not a phone number…it’s what Uncle Sam calls me. You see, there are a lot of Peter Schmidts living in the US, and so when I fill out official documents like tax forms more

  • Entrust Your Time On Earth To The Triune God - Confirmation Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on May 23, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This focuses more on the Confirmation aspect of this Sunday than the Trinity aspect. The basic thrust is how much better it is for these confirmands to follow the Triune God than the devil.

    Confirmation – Trinity Sunday II Corinthians 13:11-14 Did you know that there were confirmation classes in the Bible? Of course, they didn’t look exactly like ours. They didn’t have a blue book filled with a lot of “What Does This Mean’s” and “This Is Most Certainly True’s.” But even in the early more

  • A Time Of Freedom Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on May 2, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    A Time of Freedom 1. We are free from sin’s condemnation 2. We are free from sin’s control

    Lent 4 Romans 8:1-10 Perhaps you saw last weekend that the serial killer known as BTK was finally caught after eluding police since the 1970’s. His three-letter name was one that he had given himself, those letters standing for what he did to his victims, “Bind, Torture, Kill.” Now that he’s in more

  • A Time Of Trust Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on May 2, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    A Time of Trust 1. Trust God in his promises 2. Trust God in your setbacks

    Lent 2 Genesis 12:1-8 Human beings generally are pretty picky about whom we place our trust in. We don’t give away our trust too easily; it often has to be earned. And once our trust in someone is gone, it is extremely difficult for them to ever earn it all back. We are continuing our series as we more

  • Christianity Makes No Sense! Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on May 2, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Christianity Makes No Sense to our Human Way of Thinking. 1. It’s good to be poor and sad? 2. It’s good to be submissive and oppressed?

    Epiphany 4 Matthew 5:1-12 Have you ever been talking to a fellow Christian, and, as they were telling you about something that had happened to them, you made the remark, “Wow, you’ve really been blessed”? What situation could occur that you would call another person “blessed”? Maybe if the Lord more

  • The Church Jesus Built... Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Apr 18, 2005
    based on 40 ratings

    The Church Jesus Built... I. It has significant stones II. It has regal priests

    Easter 5 I Peter 2:4-10 How long does it take to build a church from scratch? I guess that depends on what our definition of the word “church” is. Maybe you’ve never really thought about it, but we use the word “church” in a lot of different ways. “Church” can be a verb, something we do. For more

  • It Was A Dark And Stormy Night... Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    It is dark and scary living in our sinful world. But Christ lights it by: 1. Chasing the darkness out of guilty consciences, and 2. Chasing the darkness from the problems sin causes.

    Epiphany 3 Isaiah 9:1-4 If I were teaching a class called “Scary Story Writing – 101,” the very first thing my students would learn is how to write the beginning sentence of a scary story. I would have them use the classic line: “it was a dark and stormy night.” You see, darkness sets the tone for more

  • Did You Get Clothes For Christmas? Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Clothes aren’t always the most prized gifts at Christmas. But the Lord gives us just that for Christmas: Clothes. 1.These Clothes Save You. 2. These Clothes Define You.

    Christmas 2 Isaiah 61:10-62:3 This week, we all have yet another Christmas under our belts. And probably many of you thought back during the holidays to past Christmases you had, and the fond memories of these events. Maybe your mind was turned to the presents you remember opening up as a child. more

  • No One Said This Would Be Easy Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    On the day after Christmas, on St. Stephen’s Day, we learn that though getting to heaven is easy through Jesus, carrying his cross on earth often times isn’t. But if being a Christian is difficult, it is even more so for the unbeliever.

    Festival of St. Stephen Matthew 23:34-39 I have always had a healthy respect for all branches of the military, and not to take anything away from the other divisions of our armed forces, but one branch particularly stands out in my mind: the Marine Corps. What is their slogan that you see on more

  • What Would Joseph Do? Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Dec 20, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    As we consider all the things that must have been going through Joseph’s mind before the birth of Jesus, we ask ourselves: "What Would Joseph Do?" I. About a pregnant fiancee? II. About an angelic visit?

    Advent 4 Matthew 1:18-25 I have a confession to make. What I am about to tell you is not something that I’m proud of, but it is true, and I feel you should know about it. The fact of the matter is: I’ve watched the Jerry Springer Show a few times. There, I said it. It feels good to get that off my more

  • Practice Pre-Christmas Patience Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Dec 14, 2004
    based on 26 ratings

    James teaches us how to Practice Pre-Christmas Patience by: I. Patiently remembering that the Lord is in control, and II. Patiently remembering that the Lord wishes to bless us.

    Advent 3 James 5:7-11 Do you know what two of the most dreaded words a teacher can hear from one of their students are? What two little words can a student say that will drive a teacher up the wall? I think they are words that we all have said to a teacher, a spouse, or an employer at one time or more

  • What Can You Mix God With? Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Sep 29, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    God doesn’t blend well with idols. But he does mix very well with intercession.

    Pentecost 17 Exodus 32:7-14 Bread and butter. Salt and pepper. Ketchup and mustard. Peanut butter and jelly. Some things seem to just naturally go together. Some things don’t. Vanilla pudding and pork. Strawberries and butter. Cornflakes and salt. Some people have made a living by putting together more

  • We Are All Slaves Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Sep 20, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Paul reminds Philemon and us that we all are slaves, that is, we all have responsibilities to our masters.

    Pentecost 16 Philemon 1,10-21 Let’s say that you were a pastor, and you had this situation come up in your church: there was a problem between two of your most solid members, we’ll call them Philip and Oswald. But the problem between Phil and Ozzie isn’t a personality clash. The problem isn’t more

  • When You Are In The Dumps... Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Jul 13, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    Sometimes we feel like Elijah - in the pit of despair. The Lord raises us out of depression by 1. Reprimanding Us, and 2. Revitalizing Us.

    Pentecost 12 I Kings 19:9-18 Have you ever prayed an “I have had enough, Lord” prayer? An “I have had enough” prayer usually comes not long after one or more “what next, Lord?” prayers. We’ve all had times like those in our lives: one thing piling on after another, stress after stress, crisis after more

  • Do You Ever Feel Like A King? Series

    Contributed by Peter Schmidt on Jul 13, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Too often we treat our sins the way David treated his: we sweep them under the rug and try to forget about them. But the Lord confronts us with sin, in order to show us his awesome power to forgive!

    Pentecost 4 II Samuel 11:26-12:10,13-15 I don’t know about you, but this has never happened to me, that I come home at the end of a day, take a seat on the couch, kick my feet up onto the coffee table and remark, “you know, I really felt like a king today!” You probably also have a difficult time more