Peter Nieman's church

Church of Christ

About Peter Nieman
  • Education: Bachelors Degree in English Marian College Indianapolis, IN
  • Experience: Retired Senior English Instructor, ELS Preacher for 40 years Presently completing a book on doctrine
  • Family: Married 42 years to Hope Y. McClain Eight Children
  • Hobbies: Reading, research, writing, music, walking, analyzing nature in terms of physical properties, and watching movies
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Newest Sermons

  • The Beauty Of Hope: Just A Peek Into Its Power

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2017

    Looking at Happiness, Optimism, Patience, and Expectation--Some characteristics of HOPE

    The Beauty of Hope: Just a peek into its power By Peter Nieman Martin, Sr. That we are facing difficult times in these United States there is no doubt. Newspapers and news programs greet us with stories of an economy brought to its knees by greed and mismanagement. The worries of those who can more

  • From Agonizing Fear To Asolute Faith

    Contributed on Jan 27, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    An analysis of John 4:46-53. Looking at the progression of faith in the royal official and showing such can be manifested in us today

    From Agonizing Fear to Absolute Faith John 4:46-53. Were this title a pharmaceutical advertisement for a pill just approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the market could expect huge profits in a short time. As you know, such is not the case so far as the pharmaceutical industries having more