Pastor Jon Meade
Contributing sermons since Jun 18, 2015
Newest Sermons
Give Thanks
Contributed on Nov 20, 2023
(Pastor's note: Pastor this is a message to help set the stage of the heart for deeper worship.) Worship only happens when the gratitude inside pours out.
“Give Thanks” How do you put Christ at the center of your worship? One sure way to enjoy worship every time, be it private or the corporate experience, is to make sure that worship is actually happening. Many try to chase connection with God but miss it because they don’t know the key factor of ...read more
5 Recommendations For The Christian
Contributed on Nov 7, 2023
(A word to you pastor) A caring under-shepherd cares about the condition of God's sheep. This message is designed to help you (a caring under-shepherd), to carry strays and sick sheep back to the good shepherd.
“5 Recommendations for the Christian” (Story) A young boy when into a drug store and asked to use the telephone. The druggist said, fine, so the boy dialed the grocery store on the other side of town. When the grocer answered, he said, do you need a stock clerk, somebody who can come in and stock ...read more
Gathering For Encouragement
Contributed on Oct 16, 2023
Since the beginning of time, God, the divine Creator, has expressed His sovereign will through the action of putting-things together.
Message Title: “Gathering for Encouragement” Text: Ephesians 3; Hebrews 10 Since the beginning of time, God has expressed His sovereign will through the action of putting-things together. And it’s good. • Gen. 1:9, And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
1 Message
Contributed on Oct 16, 2023
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Give Thanks
Contributed on Nov 18, 2023
At 16, a mission to Honduras with my father was an eye-opening experience that left an incredible mark on my soul. I found myself in a foreign land, surrounded by poverty and heart wrenching realities that I had never encountered before. One particular night, our bus pulled into a dimly lit gas ...read more