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  • Waiting For Someone To Say Grace Series

    Contributed by Norm Story on Jul 16, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    the Church is calle to say ’grace’, reflecting God’s grace to us

    "Waiting for Someone to Say Grace" Matthew 18:21-35 Romans 14:1-10 (Matthew 18:21-35 NRSV) Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?" {22} Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, more

  • Yes We Have A Future

    Contributed by Norm Story on Feb 7, 2003
    based on 53 ratings

    Focus on immediate suffering, or a longer-term perspective?

    "Yes, You Do Have a Future" Isaiah 40:26-31 Romans 8:18-28 (Isaiah 40:26-31 NRSV) " Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these? He who brings out their host and numbers them, calling them all by name; because he is great in strength, mighty in power, not one is missing. {27} Why do you more

  • Be Ready - Persevere

    Contributed by Norm Story on May 18, 2001
    based on 215 ratings

    The challenge of faithfully living prepared and ready

    "Be Ready – Persevere for the Long Journey" Psalm 78:1-7 Matthew 25:1-13 When I was a Boy Scout, I remember how the younger scouts struggled and suffered on long hiking-camping trips; because they always seemed to bring so much of the wrong stuff. They’d come loaded down with more

  • Why Did Judas Do It?

    Contributed by Norm Story on Apr 6, 2001
    based on 219 ratings

    He did it for the money; we too are vulnerable to greedy love of money

    "Why Did Judas Do It?" Matthew 26:6-16 John 12:4-6 Mathew 26:47-50; 27:3-5 For a prosecutor to win a conviction in court,they must offer a reasonable motive for doing the crime. A jury will want to know why someone did the particular deed. In life, we expect some rational explanation for more