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  • Your Dream Is Still Alive

    Contributed by Michael Woods on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    The viccitudes of life and the vestiges of our past sometimes have a way of stagnating, delaying, and even detouring our dream. This message will give you a right now hope that your dream is still alive and regardless of what your circumstances God can a

    “Your Dream is Still Alive” Psalms 126:1-6 Message By: Dr. Michael L. Woods, Sr. Thesis: The difference in where you are now and where you are going is the realization and manifestation of your God-Ordained dream. In short, your future is literally locked up in your ability to dream! However, more

  • The Trumpet Is Blowing Series

    Contributed by Michael Woods on Jul 7, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This message will offer clear and concise regarding the revelance and necessity of the day of Pentecost to believers in the Body of Christ!

    The Celebration of Pentecost Part 1: The Trumpet is Sounding Sermonic Text: Numbers 10:1-10 Message By: Evangelist Michael Woods I. Introduction A. There is a dynamic in the Christian Church that we must not forget and be careful to observe. This is the dynamic of the Feast of more

  • I Will Not Quit, Because Of The Pit

    Contributed by Michael Woods on Jul 7, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    This message will encourage you to hold on and not give up when life is giving you the pits!

    Message By: Dr. Michael L. Woods, Sr. “When Life has you in the pits-I will not Quit Because of the Pit” Psalm 143:7-11 7Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. 8Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; more