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  • What’s Wrong With The Commandments?

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Mar 12, 2012

    In a somewhat humorous way, this sermon systematically describes how each commandment is entirely relevant in a day when the commandments are being outlawed in the USA. The commandments are a description of how things could be. Why are people afraid of

    What’s Wrong With The Commandments? Exodus 20:1-7 3/09/12 ••••be advised....I use Lutheran numbering of the commandments.... the numbers may not match up for you•••• I’m so very very confused. The Ten Commandments under fire. They are being removed from courthouses and other public spaces. more

  • Our Resurrection

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Apr 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    While our souls do indeed go to heaven when we die, this is by no means the end of it. The ultimate goal is the resurrection. This is what scripture teaches. Why has the church drifted from this teaching? This sermon seeks to answer that as well as

    Sometimes, In these later years especially, I think that we Christians have spiritualized what we believe a little too much. What I mean when I say that is that we look at the promises of God only insofar as they have to do with our spirits, or our souls. For example, when you think of your more

  • The Best Season Ever!

    Contributed by Michael Trask on May 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus said "I have made all things new" This sermon uses the analogy of spring to speak of the promised resurrection

    Rev. 21:1-7 1   Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard more

  • Peace In Troubled Times

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Oct 15, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Addresses the world-wide financial crises and how to deal with it.

    Your mind is a powerful thing isn’t it? A single thought can cause a smile to come sliding across your face; a single thought can wipe that same smile away. A Single thought, mulled over in the mind can disturb your days and ruin your nights. Our thoughts have a powerful influence over how more

  • The Truth Of The Good News

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Jun 11, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    In a general way, compares Christianity with all other relgions in the world and demonstrates the uniqueness of the Gospel.

    What if its not true? What if everything that you have learned about the Lord Jesus and the Salvation he provides is a combination of wishful thinking and fantasy? What if you have been programmed, duped, hoodwinked, and otherwise misguided? This thought has most certainly crossed your more

  • Hearing The Shepherd

    Contributed by Michael Trask on May 2, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The Shepherd is Speaking if we care to listen.

    Christians will often ask, “What is God’s will for me?” What they mean when they say that is the want help and guidance for specific decisions in their lives. Often times, we want this for the big decisions, when it really matters, when whatever we decide could have significant effects more

  • To The Distant Country And Back

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The Prodigal went to "a distant country". "The Distant Country" is not a foriegn state, but rather a sinful state of mind....that leads to ruin. But there is a way back.

    “There was a man who had two sons. the younger one said to his father, ‘father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger Son got together all he had, set off for a distant country....” The “distant Country”. The young man more

  • Experience Versus Obedience In Faith

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We put a high premium on our experience in life. This limits us and also prevents us from the greater experience and reality which Jesus calls us to enter. Peter was "experienced" in fishing. But Jesus would take him beyond his experience. Us too.

    You are talking to someone about something, something that you know is true with all of your heart. And right in the middle, of making your most convincing point, they stop you and they say those words that bring a sudden end to all discussion. “ That has not been my experience!” They say. more

  • The Owner And His Managers

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Jan 18, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    God is the owner of all things, we are his managers. Knowing this is not only a great comfort, but also a challenge.

    What do we mean when we say that we own something? We mean that it is in our possession; that we have bought and paid for it; that it is ours to keep and ours to do with as we please; we are the owners; it belongs to us. We know what it means to own something. Of course, there’s more

  • The Hidden World Of Service

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Sep 25, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The contrast couldn’t be more stark. Jesus describes his ultimate act of service while the disciples argue over which of them will be the greatest! This sermon stealthily plunges the listener into this contrast; then pulls them out on the right side.

    My dear friends in Christ, I want to tell you about something that I didn’t really begin to figure out until I was about 24. Many of you figured it out long before you reached that age; some of you have not figured it out yet. But when someone finally does learn it, and it begins to sink more

  • Restoring The Cars

    Contributed by Michael Trask on May 15, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This wonderful section of scripture on the Love of God and our Love for others is explained by way of an extended analogy. God is like a "car guy" who sees a "classic" in a rust bomb. We must have the same eyes when we consider others.

    Have you ever known one of those guys who are into restoring cars? Most of us do. They scour the junkyards and the abandoned farmsteads of the midwest looking for old wrecks. When you we see a dilapidated old rust bomb sitting out in a field with weeds growing through the rusty more

  • The Joy Of Dumpsters

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Mar 27, 2006
    based on 38 ratings

    The cleansing effect of having a dumpster in your driveway is a amazing. You can get rid of a lot of clutter in your house. In a simlar way, "junk" can gather in each of us who are called to be the temple of the Lord. Jesus cleanses us.

    Every so often, as you drive around the various neighborhoods in these parts, you will notice the presence of dumpsters. Sometimes they are there to collect the waste from construction; sometimes reconstruction; but other times, the dumpster seems to be just for junk. I find this more

  • The Gestation Of Sin

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Mar 6, 2006
    based on 22 ratings

    This sermon gives "ultrasound" picture of the development of life-controlling sins and shows how God has given us all that we need to overcome them.

    The Gestation of Sin James 1:12-18 So, how far along are you? I know, that’s not really the kind of question you would expect to hear a pastor utter at the beginning of his sermon. It’s really the kind of question that one pregnant lady would ask another as they wait to see the doctor. more

  • A Specific God In A World Of Options

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Feb 13, 2006
    based on 127 ratings

    We are the Burger King generation. We are used to being told to "have it your way." But if we are going to be saved or helped by the Lord, it will be in his way.

    Day after day we are confronted with a vast array of options. So many options that it will make your head spin. A question as simple as, “How do you want your hamburger?” can be quite a challenge. According to Burger King, the home of the Whopper, there 1024 different ways for a customer more

  • We Can Fly!

    Contributed by Michael Trask on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    The "gravity" of life often seems to hold us down. But no problem that we might have is bigger than the Lord himself. He wants us to see things from his perspective and thereby raise us up on eagles wings.

    Ever thought about how cool it would be, to be able to fly? And I don’t mean with the aid of one of those noisy mechanical contraptions we call airplanes. I mean you with just your body, soaring above the earth; you, banking over the forests; you skimming over the rivers; you more

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