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  • Should Christians Seek Psychics Or Things Of The Spirits

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Oct 21, 2014

    Our question for this evening is this “is it wrong to consult with a psychic or the spirits?” This we have specific commands about.

    Title: Consulting Mediums, spirits and Spiritualist is it wrong Subject: The occult and the Christian Introduction: Our question for this evening is this “is it wrong to consult with a psychic or the spirits?” This we have specific commands about. God gave Moses clear instructions more

  • Commitment, Who And What Are You Commeitted Too?

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Oct 13, 2014

    Beginning in 2015 a theme of commitment for the new fiscal year. Commitment to God, church and Community. Power comes by the Holy spirit to carry out God's plan and purpose in our commitment.

    Title: Theme for 2015 Commitment SDBC 9-28-14 A.M. Subject: Who and What are you committed too? Introduction: These past few Sundays the messages have been on our Walk, that is on the way we live our lives as Christians. There was the Walk in Christ, The walk worthy of our Vocation, a walk that more

  • Commit To God

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Oct 13, 2014

    How we are to fully commit to God, Church and Community based on 1 Samuel 7

    Title: Time to Commit to God Subject: It is time that we see a real commitment to God, church and community. Introduction: Israel ignored God for years, God raised up judges and priest to lead them. There were sporadic times of Revival for them but they were continuously oppressed because they more

  • What Would You Do If Jesus Comes Knocking On Your Door

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Sep 17, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A question form a church member for our Wednesday night Question and message time. Food for thought What would you do if Jesus came knocking on your door. This deals with our fellowship with God.

    Introduction: The question before us is what would you do if Jesus came to your house? I found a poem written by someone named Gregory, If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you’d do. Oh, I know you’d give your nicest room to such an honored Guest, And all the food you’d serve more

  • How Many Snatching Aways Are There In Scripture

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Sep 5, 2014

    A question asked for a message on how many times was a snatching away, rapture, ascension mentioned in the Bible. This message was developed to answer that question

    How many Snatching away are there Introduction: Our question is a long one “In the entire bible how many “raptures”, “snatching away”, “ascending in the Clouds” events happened or are yet to happen, and who did (does) it involve? So we will see this more

  • When Did Animals Begin To Fear Man

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Aug 13, 2014

    A question from a member for a Wednesday night message, which shows when animals began to fear mankind.

    Title: When did Animals begin to fear man? Introduction: The question before us is “When did Animals begin to fear man?” God created man and animal life on the same day of creation and man was given dominion, but what about the animals and their fear of man when did that start? Keep more

  • Walk In Christ Find Hidden Treasure

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Aug 13, 2014

    How we are commanded Walk in Christ and in Him we find the Greatest Treasure

    Title: Walk in Christ Introduction: When you have received Christ as your savior you find hidden treasure. As a young boy I remember we would grab a shovel and start digging a hole in the ground. We talked of finding a buried treasure or something valuable that had been buried for a long time. more

  • Lords Supper Qualifications

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 24, 2014

    Follow scripture when you observe the Lord's Table be sure you qualify to partake don't partake unworthily. Keep in mind this is a memorial service because Christ said do this in "Remembrance of Me."

    LORDS SUPPER QUALIFICATION Introduction: As we will conduct one of the two rituals Christ has given to the Church in a few minutes let’s reflect on what scripture says concerning this great event. Christ established it the night of His arrest and commanded us to conduct this service in more

  • Strife Tears Down

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 17, 2014

    We should be working in accordance to the Spirits leadership not out of Strife. Strife tears down Love and Peace build up.

    Title: Strife doesn’t tears down 03/23/14 Introduction: In the movie back to the future the Biff was George McFly’s boss. Biff was a taker and a bully he didn’t know how to treat anybody with compassion, but all of that changed the night of the night of the Enchantment under the more

  • Have You Been With Jesus

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 13, 2014

    When Peter and John were called before the Sanhedrin we are told this one thing they perceived , "They had been with Jesus."

    Title: Have you been with Jesus, Portions taken for messages from Jerry Shirley and Kenneth Trent on Sermon Central. Introduction: As we sit in the breeze way we are sometimes watching vehicles go by the church. One might pass being really clean another with mud all over it. We can say the more

  • Faith Is The Key To Fellowship

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 13, 2014

    Walking with God like Enoch brings us to a greater fellowship with God, but Faith is what begins it all for us.

    Faith the Key to Fellowship 5/5/13 Introduction: Faith is the key for all believers in Christ Jesus it is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen as Hebrews 11:1states. By placing your faith in Christ you have Hope, Hope for all eternity. That Faith which starts our more

  • Know You Have Eternal Life

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 13, 2014

    1 John 5 tells us we can know we have eternal life this sermon delves into how we can know we have eternal life.

    Assurance of Salvation 1 John 5 12/2/12 A.M. INTRO: Many times you may ask someone if they know that they will go to heaven. To that question you may receive varying responses. Such as I hope so, our I think I have been good enough or no one can really know if they have eternal life and will more

  • Power In Weakness

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 13, 2014

    We are told that when we are humble then God will exalt us we will have Power in Weakness

    Power in Weakness Sunday 04/28/2013 Intro: God’s Power rest upon us as believers. When is the Power of God resting upon us at its strongest point? Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9b “for My (God’s) strength is made perfect in weakness”. Who’s weakness? The Power of more

  • What Is Church Growth

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on May 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How we are to Grow in Grace and knowledge.

    Intro: This being designated the Year of growth at 2nd Baptist LaPorte, you may have asked yourself What Growth is, how are we as Christians, supposed to be growing. Core: Believers are to grow, churches are to grow, what are we told about growth in God’s word. Body I. 2nd Peter 3:18 gave more

  • Cains Way

    Contributed by Michael Cotie on Mar 18, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Description of Cains way and his wife’s choosing to follow it.

    Cain’s Way Sunday P.M. 03/18/2001 Intro: The question before us is where did Cain’s wife come from. We are told that after he killed able Cain dwelt in the land of Nod and Cain knew his wife. Genesis 4:16 & 17, "And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt more

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