Michael's church

Christian Bible Church of the Philippines

About Michael
  • Education: Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies; Master of Arts in Philosophy; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
  • Experience: Michael R. Cariño is a speaker, writer, mentor, teacher, philosopher, theologian, pastor, missionary, and spirituality coach based in Manila, Philippines. He finished Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at Far Eastern University, Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies at International Graduate School of Leadership, and Master of Arts in Philosophy at the University of the Philippines. Mike has spoken to various conferences and seminars on topics dealing with leadership, education, teams, relationships, worldviews, and spirituality. He is author of the book "Reasonable Faith: The Role of Intellectual Virtues in the Justification of Religious Belief". Mike is a pastor at the Christian Bible Church of the Philippines, a resource speaker for Diwa Learning Systems, and an instructor at the International Graduate School of Leadership.
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Newest Sermons

  • God’s Call For Intimacy

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Our work, our worship, and our ministry must be an overflow of our intimacy with God. The Christian’s fruitfulness and faithfulness should come from a heart that is madly in-love with Christ.

    "God’s Call for Intimacy" (Psalm 42) By Ptr Michael Cariño Have you ever felt spiritually dry? You go to church, read you bible, and pray, yet deep inside you still feel spiritually empty. You believe in Jesus, you follow Christ, and you know God yet your life is aimless and more

  • Warning Signs Of Spiritual Bankruptcy

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2017

    You can sense that you are experiencing spiritual bankruptcy when you can say the right words, gain the right knowledge, and do the right things with the wrong heart.

    Warning Signs of Spiritual Bankruptcy 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Ptr. Michael Cariño The dictionary defines the word “bankrupt” as a state of financial ruin. It is linked to terms such as impoverished, insolvency, poverty, or financial failure. It is closely related to words like destitute, more

  • When Trials Become Triumphs

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When life hits you hard, don’t let it knock you down.

    When Trials Become Triumphs When Jason Lester was 12 years old, he was hit by a car and suffered a paralyzed arm. Decades later, he’d be a world-class endurance sports champion. Today, he can swim faster, ride further and run incredible distances as an Ironman and Ultraman, and he does it all more

  • God Uses Weak People

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    All of us have handicaps. Whether emotionally, spiritually, financially, or physically --- but it does not mean that God cannot use us anymore. In fact, God is in the business of using the weak, and make us into people who can do great things.

    Introduction: Kyle Maynard was born March 24, 1986 with a condition known as congenital amputation that has left him with arms that end at the elbows and legs that end near his knees. His story begins as an 11-year-old that wanted to wrestle and a coach that gave him an opportunity to try. After more

  • The Heart Of Prayer Is Prayer Of The Heart

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Prayer that truly touches the heart of God and changes the world comes from a heart that is passionately dependent on God. Prayer is a great privilege and a great responsibility for believers.

    The of Heart Prayer Is Prayer of The Heart Matthew 6:5-15 Prayer that truly touches the heart of God and changes the world comes from a heart that is passionately dependent on God. Prayer is a great privilege and a great responsibility for believers. While it is true that God is in-charge of what more