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  • True Mercy Over True Sin

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Mar 22, 2025

    Struggling with Sin? You're not the first. This morning we look at Law and Grace, and how great the Mercy Jesus gives us over True Sin is.

    True Mercy Over True Sin Good Morning. Today we look at Law and Grace, two things that live in constant tension in a Christian’s life. A common knock against focusing too much grace is that it will encourage a lack of love or respect for God’s Law. As Paul says in Romans 6, because we have grace more

  • Faith In The Right Things

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Mar 16, 2025

    This morning, a Canaanite Woman barges into the house Jesus is praying seeking his help. Jesus comments seem cold, but her acknowledgement of Jesus authority, and her need for Grace brings about a great lesson in where we stand before God.

    Good Morning. Today, we have a tough lesson, in that it seems to show us a Jesus who is not the approachable loving friend we sometimes can imagine, but standoffish, aloof, and cold; similar to the way he talks to Mary in Cana before He turns water into wine. As the cartoon on the bulletin cover more

  • Jesus Victory Over Temptation

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Mar 10, 2025

    This message looks at the three temptations Jesus faced, why they truly were temptations, and how he overcame them, giving us a path to follow.

    Good Morning. How long can you play around with temptations without consequences? Kind of like asking how far over edge of the cliff can I safely lean. Sadly, this year has seen stories about church pastors who have fallen off that cliff and not only destroyed their marriages, but their churches, more

  • The Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Mar 2, 2025

    In the Gospels, something amazing happens as Jesus heals a blind man on the way to Jerusalem. This morning we look at this amazing sign, and what the sign is pointing to.

    Good Morning. In our Gospel Lesson, we begin Jesus final approach to Jerusalem, which sets us up for Lent, beginning Wednesday, which is Ash Wednesday. For this morning, our focus is not just the miracle healing of Bartimaeus, but the question Jesus asked Bartimaeus after calling him forward, “What more

  • The Paradox Of Weakness

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Feb 22, 2025

    This morning we looked at St. Paul's teaching about Weakness, and the Paradox of the fact that the weaker he was, and of course, the weaker we are, the greater we can see God as He uses us as a painter uses a canvas.

    Good morning. We read from Paul, If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness. I hope to show you this morning, as we look at Paul’s message to the Corinthians, that these might just be some of the most comforting words that you can find in the Bible. I’m thankful for these more

  • A Reality Check On Grace

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Feb 15, 2025

    This morning we look at Jesus Parable of the workers in the vineyard, a parable discussing the basics of Grace and the Gospel.

    A Reality Check on Grace Good Morning. We are looking at the parable in our Gospel Lesson today, with a focus on GRACE, especially from the angle of already being a Christian, and looking back at how we were saved. The context of the parable, the end of Matthew 19, is Peter asking about how great more

  • Trust The Process

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Feb 11, 2025

    Habakkuk is a heartbroken prophet who has seen God's Plans and sits confused and in tears. Join us as we dig into Habakkuk 1, as Habakkuk learns to Trust God's Process of Sanctification of His People.

    Good Morning. This morning we are looking at the frustrations we may have with the world around us, but Trusting God’s Process as we minister in this world. There is a tendency to place figures in the Bible on a pedestal, just because they are in the Bible. But the Bible records truth, and other more

  • Jeremiah And Rejection

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Feb 1, 2025

    Jeremiah in Chapter 18 seeks God's wrath on those who won't listen to his prophecy. While his frustration is understandable, it helps us to remember our mission to bring redemption, not destruction.

    Good Morning. Before I say anything else, picture a prophet in your head. Not the money kind, the Bible one. People have lots of ideas about what the life of a prophet would be like, but one thing that might surprise you is that the main job of a prophet wasn’t telling people the future, any more more

  • Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 27, 2025

    This Sermon focuses on the Old Testament Typology and Fulfillment found in Jesus first miracle in the Wedding Feast of Cana - Deuteronomy 19 and Bridegroom Themes

    Good Morning. Last week our Epiphany theme took us to Mark and the beginning of Mark’s record of Jesus Ministry. We saw there the showing forth of the glory (that’s what Epiphany means) of the Trinity at the Jordan River, and how Jesus showed His glory in humility by receiving a baptism for the more

  • Jesus Is The Answer, But What Was The Question?

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 19, 2025

    Jesus travels to the Jordan River to inaugurate His ministry by being Baptized in the Jordan River. This is not what John the Baptist expects, as John's Baptism is a baptism of Repentance. Why was Jesus Baptized?

    Based on a Sermon by Kevin Judd There’s a story about a pastor giving a children’s sermon. He decides to use a story about forest animals as his starting point, so he gathers the kids around him and begins by asking them a question. “I’m going to describe someone to you, and I want you to tell me more

  • Divine Reactions

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 13, 2025

    What do we do when we hear the Good News?

    Divine Reactions Good Morning, and Happy Epiphany. For those of you who came in after announcements, I again let everyone know what we have been doing in our 8:30 Sunday School Class, to which everyone is invited. We’ve been looking at prayer in the Bible, but there are other fun tangents and more

  • The Sermon So Nice, It Got Preached Twice

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Jan 5, 2025

    Our Old Testament Lesson brings us Isaiah 61, a wonderful lesson which speaks of the Messiah coming to redeem God's People. Jesus made this the first recorded sermon He preached in Luke 4, telling the men of Nazareth that He is the Messiah Isaiah told about.

    The Sermon So Nice It Got Preached Twice Good Morning!! We have a very special lesson from Isaiah this morning that I would like to dig into for my first sermon of the year. It’s good to use it as a first sermon, because it’s the text for the first “recorded” sermon Jesus gave. We can begin with more

  • The People Who Missed Christmas

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Dec 25, 2024

    We look at 3 types of People who miss Christmas from Luke 2 and Matthew 2, the Busy, the Indifferent, and those who won't accept anyone but themselves on the throne of their lives

    People who Missed Christmas (based on a message by Freddy Fritz here on SermonCentral) Good EVENING!! And I am glad to see you here. For our meditation, I want to talk about the many people who missed Christmas, not just the service. The idea, of course, is then to see how this reflects to more

  • Showing John The Baptist The Gospel

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Dec 14, 2024

    For the Third Sunday in Advent, we look at John the Baptist in Jail, stuck in depression and questioning God. His search for who the Messiah is supposed to be helps us to see clearly who God is, and how He works in our lives.

    Showing John the Baptist the Gospel Good Morning. We live by expectations, and that’s not necessarily bad. When we go to bed at night, we expect the alarm to work. We expect others to stop at stop signs. In fact, we have a lot of expectations about how others should act. Our days are full of more

  • Overflowing With Hope From God's Word

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Dec 10, 2024

    For the Second Sunday in Advent, also known as Bible Sunday, we look at the Good News, how we should seek to be overflowing in it, and how we should be spreading it. 

    Good Morning. In addition to our focus on Peace this morning, and the peace which brings Good News on the mountain tops, as Isaiah says, actually equipping YOU to be the voice of peace on the mountain tops to be clear, the Second Sunday in Advent is also known as Bible Sunday. I’m going to try to more