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  • The Wonder, The Celebration, The Joy Of Resurrection!

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Apr 8, 2009

    A SERMON FOR EASTER: We experience with Mary, Peter and the beloved disciple disbelief, then the belief and joy in the reality of the resurrection! And, with Mary, we encounter the Risen Christ, and can exclaim “I have seen the Risen Lord!”

    John 20:1-18 THE WONDER, THE CELEBRATION, THE JOY OF RESURRECTION! A SERMON FOR EASTER SUNDAY: We experience with Mary, Peter and the beloved disciple the disbelief, then the belief and joy in the reality of the resurrection! And, with Mary, we encounter the Risen Christ, and can exclaim more

  • A Reflection For Easter Sunday: A Celebration Of Resurrection!

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Apr 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We travel with Mary, Peter and the beloved disciple from the darkness to the wonder and light of Resurrection: from Good Friday to Easter Day!

    John 20:1-8 A REFLECTION FOR EASTER SUNDAY: A Celebration of Resurrection! We travel with Mary, Peter and the beloved disciple from the darkness to the wonder and light of Resurrection: from Good Friday to Easter Day! ------------------------------------------ I wonder if you ever ask yourself more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #8: ‘what's So ‘good' About Good Friday? Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Apr 7, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A REFLECTION FOR GOOD FRIDAY: We turn our minds to the events of that dark Friday, and search for the light of meaning in the Resurrection

    Luke 23:33-56 Sermon Series: Lent 2009 A REFLECTION FOR GOOD FRIDAY: We turn our minds to the events of that dark Friday, and search for the light of meaning in the Resurrection Journeying with Jesus through Lent #8: ‘What’s so ‘GOOD’ about Good more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #7: ‘by The Way Of Humble Service' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Apr 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A REFLECTION FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY: We contemplate Jesus’ act of humble service, and his desire that all his disciples do likewise as we live out our lives of faith as an example of loving service to others.

    John 13:1-15 & 20 Sermon Series: Lent 2009 A REFLECTION FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY: We contemplate Jesus’ act of humble service, and his desire that all his disciples do likewise as we live out our lives of faith as an example of loving service to others. Journeying with Jesus through Lent #7 ‘By the more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #6 ‘along The Road Of Joy To Rejection Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    We reflect upon Jesus’ Triumphal Entry and our hopes in and expectations of Jesus, our Messiah, as he travels from Celebration and welcome, to rejection.

    Mark 11:1-11 Sermon Series: Lent 2009 We reflect upon Jesus’ Triumphal Entry and our hopes and expectations in Jesus, our Messiah, as he travels from Celebration and welcome, to rejection. A SERMON FOR THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF LENT 2009 (Palm Sunday). Journeying with Jesus through Lent #6 ‘Along more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #5: ‘along The Way Of Love And Life' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Mar 25, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    We reflect upon the reality of God’s Law of Love, written on our very hearts, and made possible in our lives by the sacrifice of Jesus, and the new life God brings through the wonder and glory of Jesus’ resurrection.

    John 12:20-33 (Jeremiah 31:31-34) Sermon Series: Lent 2009 We reflect upon the reality of God’s Law of Love, written on our very hearts, and made possible in our lives by the sacrifice of Jesus, and the new life God brings through the wonder and glory of Jesus’ resurrection. A SERMON FOR THE more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #4: ‘into God's Way Of Love' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Mar 16, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    A SERMON FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We reflect upon God’s love for us, and God’s promise of eternal life, made known to us in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

    John 3: 14-21 Journeying with Jesus through Lent #4: ‘Into God’s way of love - God loves YOU!’ Sermon Series: Lent 2009 A SERMON FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We reflect upon God’s love for us, and God’s promise of eternal life, made known to us in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #3: ‘into The Realm Of Righteous Anger' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Mar 13, 2009
    based on 26 ratings

    A SERMON FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We reflect upon Jesus’ call to ‘righteous anger’ when we are faced with injustice

    John 2: 13-22 Journeying with Jesus through Lent #3: ‘Into the Realm of Righteous Anger’ Sermon Series: Lent 2009 A SERMON FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We reflect upon Jesus’ call to ‘righteous anger’ when we are faced with injustice There was once a woman called Emily Post. She was born more

  • The Church - God's 'remnant'

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Mar 6, 2009
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon shared at a service at a small church to celebrate their 100th anniversary. A sermon to give encouragement and hope for the future.

    John 15:1-11 Psalm 46 Brothers and sisters in Christ, we join together this morning, members, friends, family and brothers and sisters from local churches, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of this church. On special occasions like anniversaries it is natural to look back over the past, to smile more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #2: ‘by The Way Of The Cross' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Mar 3, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    A SERMON FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We reflect upon the free gift of God, more precious and valuable than any other: the redeeming, atoning, justifying act of Jesus.

    Mark 8:27-38 and Romans 3:21-26 ’Journeying with Jesus through Lent #2: ‘By the Way of the Cross’’ Sermon Series: Lent 2009 Those of us who like to watch quiz shows on TV may remember a show (in the UK running from 1965-88) from some years ago called ‘Call my Bluff’ (only running in the US from more

  • Journeying With Jesus Through Lent #1: ‘into The Wilderness' Series

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Feb 27, 2009
    based on 46 ratings

    A SERMON FOR THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 2009. We accompany Jesus into the wilderness and an encounter with the Tempter

    Mark 1:9-15 (Genesis 9:8-17) Journeying with Jesus through Lent #1: ‘Into the Wilderness’ Sermon Series: Lent 2009 Both our stories from the Bible have common themes for us today, as last Wednesday (Ash Wednesday) we began our Lenten preparations, and as the global economic crisis seems to cast more

  • The Transfiguration: Seeing Jesus – And Our Discipleship – In A New Light

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Feb 17, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The invitation to climb the mountain of Transfiguration is an invitation of Jesus’ to encounter God afresh, then to see ourselves, God’s purpose in our lives, and the world, in a different light.

    Mark 9:2-9 The Transfiguration: Seeing Jesus – and our discipleship – in a New Light Through our Gospel verses this morning we are invited to accompany Jesus and his chosen disciples as they climb a mountain, and there experience a wondrous moment – a turning-point in the lives of the special more

  • Jesus – The Healing, Restoring Compassion Of God

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Feb 11, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus heals the leper that he may experience the joy of being restored to those that love him. Here we are challenged to work for healing and restoration in the world, with the compassion of Christ

    Mark 1:40-45 ‘Jesus – the Healing, Restoring Compassion of God’ I wonder how many of you enjoy going to the theatre, the cinema, or perhaps watching TV drama? I personally like watching drama, thrillers, full of suspense and tension! You know, when the audience is not sure what is going to more

  • Shared Ministry And Gospel Priorities

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In Jesus’ life and ministry we are given priorities for our life and shared ministry.

    Text Mark 1:29-39 ‘Shared ministry and Gospel priorities’ I would like to share with you today, for a few minutes, some images – pictures – of ministry that I can see arising out of the verses from Mark’s Gospel we heard a few minutes ago. Pictures that I call ‘priority pictures’: pictures of more

  • On The Authority And Power To Be Jesus' Disciples

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Jan 27, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The people are amazed by Jesus’ demonstration of a New Authority and Power. It is only through relationsship with God that we have the Authority and Power to be Jesus’ disciples.

    Mark 1:21-28 On the Authority and Power to be Jesus’ disciples Last week we heard through our Gospel verses (Mark 1:14-20) how Jesus called his first four disciples to follow him. Remember how, straight away, without hesitation, Simon, Andrew, James and John left their families and friends and more