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  • Of Tents And Timeless Worlds

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A theological inquiry into the divine nature of Jesus Christ; His glorious pre-existence in the godhead and his condescension to human flesh.

    �Of Tents and Timeless Worlds� by Matthew Everhard. A sermon on John 1:1-18. Originally preached at Hudson Presbyterian Church on March 25th 2007. The Prince: Soren Kierkegaard the Danish theologian tells a story about a certain kingdom with a handsome prince. Now the prince was searching more

  • The Treasure Principle

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Dec 12, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    This message explores the treasure principle: that the Kingdom of God is so valuable that it is worth any cost in this life, even life itself, to enjoy it more fully.

    “The Treasure Principle” A sermon on Matthew 13:44-45 by Matthew Everhard, originally delivered at Hudson Presbyterian Church, November 26, 2006. The Leg: I grew up in Cuyahoga Falls, a residential city where the houses are all close together, and the backyards small. Our playground, for the most more

  • Holding Fast Series

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Nov 2, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What exactly does the phrase "sola scriptura" mean? This expository message from Philippians 2:14-18 follows Paul’s thoughts and motivations regarding "holding fast" to the Word of life.

    “Holding Fast. An Expository Sermon on Philippians 2:14-18. By Matthew Everhard. Originally Preached at Hudson Presbyterian Church October 29th, 2006. The Vote: This morning we are a mere seven days away from making one of the most momentous decisions that Hudson Presbyterian Church has made in more

  • The Great Heist

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Oct 26, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Ever timid of preaching about tithing? Don’t be! Malachi 3:6-18 brings a strong word of exhortation to all believers. We ought not to rob God by holding back our giving any more than we would put on a ski mask and rob a bank!

    The Great Heist. By Matthew Everhard. An expository sermon from Malachi 3:12-18 originally delivered at Hudson Presbyterian Church on October 28th and 29th. Every seminary student who wants to be a pastor can tell you that there are two things that we are afraid to preach about. Two biblical more

  • Where Shoe Companies Get Their Names

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Jul 29, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    An expository sermon on Romans 8:31-39 touching on Pauls meaning of the Greek word nikao, "overcoming"

    “Where Shoe Companies Get Their Names” by Matthew Everhard. An expository sermon from Romans 8:31-39 originally delivered at Hudson Presbyterian Church on April 3rd, 2005 What do you think is the most misleading commercial on television today? You’ve heard of truth in advertising… Who do you more

  • Narnia: Winter In Narnia

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 100 ratings

    This expository sermon from 2 Corinthians 4 gives the believer hope that, despite severe suffering, the Resurrected Christ is on the move!

    “Winter in Narnia” from 2 Corinthians 4: 7-18, by Matthew Everhard. Originally preached at Hudson Presbyterian Church on January 2nd 2004. I have to be honest, I don’t really like this time of year. This time of year reminds me of the land of Narnia. Have you read the great classic fantasy by C. more

  • What Do You Think Of The Christ

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Sep 27, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon considers several possible answers to the Pharisee’s question in Matthew 22:41, "What do you think of the Christ?" Here, I encourage the congregation to make up one’s mind on Christ’s identity.

    “What do you think of the Christ?” Matthew 22: 41-46. By Matthew Everhard, originally delivered at Hudson Presbyterian Church October 27, 2002. Words 2117 Forensic science is now the perfect compliment to crime investigation. Recent advances in the art and science of forensic investigation has more

  • No Child Left Beyond

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Sep 21, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon explores Jesus’ mysterious statement that "anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Mark 10:13-16

    “No Child Left Beyond” by Matthew Everhard. Originally preached at the Hudson Presbyterian Church on September 26, 2004: Words 2089 Most of you know that our church recently sent out a team of 7 adults to an orphanage in El Salvador this summer: the first mission trip of its kind for our church. more

  • You Reap What You Sojourn

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Sep 1, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    How does the church escape the "Adding Members" model and revert to a biblical definition of evangelism? This message uses Jesus’ challenge that "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" in incite compassionate outreach.

    “You Reap What You Sojourn” by Matthew Everhard. Originally preached on Sunday Morning, July 4th, 2004 at Hudson Presbyterian Church. Words 2205 Their primary concern was membership. Specifically, that membership was on the rise. Well, either that or member PLEDGES-- those were equally important. more

  • When The Brook Runs Dry

    Contributed by Matthew Everhard on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 189 ratings

    This sermon uses Elijah’s experiences at the Brook Cherith to encourage believers who have run into dry spiritual times

    “When the Brook Runs Dry” by Matthew Everhard. 1 Kings 17: 1-16; Originally preached at Hudson Presbyterian Church on June 20th, 2004. Words: 2293 My message this morning is for those whose brook has run dry. If you’ve ever experienced lasting defeat; If you’ve ever had all that you’ve come to more