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  • In What? Christ's Network - The Church Series

    Contributed by Mark Green on Mar 8, 2007
    based on 23 ratings

    The participant will be inspired to embrace life in the local church and choose one life question to begin asking in their life.

    Maybe it’s been a while since you have experienced the joy of throwing rocks in a lake. But if you think back you will remember how fun it is. I know my sons and I can hardly walk by a lake without stopping to throw stones in it. And being boys, it quickly escalates to seeing who can find and throw more

  • Is It Worth It To Resist Evil? Series

    Contributed by Mark Green on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    The Christ-follower will be challenged to examine their lives for areas where evil has taken root and learn to resist evil by trusting Christ’s sovereignty and by standing firm in community, salvation and God’s truth.

    Open your Bible to 2 Thessalonians and as you are doing so let me remind you of why this Harley and scooter are on the stage. Last week we used these items as an analogy to describe our faith journey in Christ. The scooter represents a Christ-follower who is playing it safe and being rather passive more

  • Is It Worth It To Live In And Live Out Christ Series

    Contributed by Mark Green on Mar 9, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    It is worth it to live in Christ’s presence and live out His presence even if it means persecution.

    Scooter…Harley (both on stage). Many of us would like to believe that there is really little difference between a scooter and a Harley. Both of them are shiny, have wheels and handle bars. Both of them can be used for transportation. You can get somewhere on both of them. But let’s be honest. more

  • Discover The Light

    Contributed by Mark Green on Jan 25, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    To discover the light of the incarnation and how the incarnation challenges us to know Christ, live abundantly and be consumed by Him.

    (Begin with all lights in worship center off) Darkness. Have you ever been in a place so dark that it felt as if you could reach out and touch the darkness? I’ve been out in the deep woods after dark and I remember not being able to see my hand in front of my face. That was dark. On Thanksgiving more

  • Extreme Makeover-Contentment

    Contributed by Mark Green on Jan 5, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Contentment is an expression of communion with Christ and a reliance on His power and provision to prevail in all life situations.

    Let’s begin this morning with a quick question. Raise your hand if you have had coffee from Starbuck’s in the past 2 weeks. Me too. Well I want to tell you that I am mad at Starbuck’s. I have drank coffee for years and been content with Maxwell House or Folgers. I was content to brew a cup coffee more

  • Leading In Our Community

    Contributed by Mark Green on Oct 3, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    To challenge people to become a sweet aroma of God within our community by seeing the spiritual interest of people, loving them and sacrificing for them.

    This morning I want us to answer a very important question together. It is not a particularly difficult intellectual question. Instead, this question is more personal. In fact, how each of us answers this question will significantly impact our leadership in the community. In reality, it just may more

  • Get Real: Unmasking An Unfaithful Life

    Contributed by Mark Green on Aug 4, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    God examines our lives for gaps in our faithfulness and offers Himself and His ways as the solution to those gaps.

    Good morning. I hope you eat meals together as a family because you can learn so much about God, especially if you have children. Meal times in the Green household can be interesting. They range from the benign of mixing our food in weird combinations to the gross, renaming our food after the more

  • Protecting The Next Generation

    Contributed by Mark Green on Aug 4, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Discover how to protect our heart and the heart of the next generation against the deceptions of the world.

    The journey down the yellow brick road seemed pretty safe at the beginning for Dorothy. But we know from the story of The Wizard of Oz that the bright yellow brick road would intersect with an evil witch, dangerous flying animals and personal fears that must be overcome. One of the characters In more

  • Praying Dangerous Prayers

    Contributed by Mark Green on Jul 5, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Praying like Jesus will mean praying dangerous prayers.

    I love technology…especially when it works. I am some what technologically challenged. That means my 11 year old has to program the DVD player for me and my 5 year old has to hook up the video games. So imagine my surprise when I arrive at BCC and I am presented with my very own cell phone. I still more

  • Investing In The Next Generation

    Contributed by Mark Green on Jul 5, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    A challenge to invest four key traits into the life of one person this year.

    When I was a Children’s Pastor I used to do something at the beginning of training seminars that I want us to do this morning. I want you to think back to your childhood and specifically to your early church experience. I know many of you attended Sunday School, VBS and other children’s activities more

  • Jesus - The Ultimate Hero Series

    Contributed by Mark Green on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    The unique character of Christ and His unmatched work qualify Him as the ultimate hero.

    Good morning. Today we are continuing our series looking at different heroes. When you first heard the term “hero” what came to your mind? Perhaps you thought of a sports hero like Lance Armstrong or Tiger Woods. Or maybe an action hero like Mel Gibson. Some of us possibly thought of a military more