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  • A Living Legacy Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Sixth in a series on Elisha. Elisha's ministry was to establish a zone of milk and honey in a land of death and bloodshed. Ultimately, God works all things together for good in God's own time. We live as people of the Resurrection.

    SLIDE: Cave > Elijah’s ordination of 3 Last view of Elisha’s life, many of the events go back to the early ministry of his mentor, Elijah, finally coming to fruition. I want to begin at a cave. Elijah traveled more

  • Tell Me The Great Things Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Fifth in a series on Elisha. The Shunammite woman and Gehazi are recurring people in Elisha's life. God's word is powerful to work, in spite of the messenger. Make space for the word of God to be heard and received in your life.

    SLIDE: Shunnamite Woman > The Woman from Shunem’s Story Spread throughout Elisha’s ministry are encounters with this woman from Shunem. Her part of the story begins back in chapter more

  • The Good News Of Bread Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Fourth in a series on Elisha. Often, God invites us to proclaim WHAT he will do, even if we have no idea HOW he will accomplish it. God's intervention in history ultimately causes a ripple of good effects for His people.

    > SCENE ONE King and a Woman
 Famine - Not a natural one. Caused by Syrian seige.

 Donkey’s (unclean, undesirable) head for 2 Lbs of silver…who has that?
 “Dove’s Dung” … Ramen Noodles of the ancient world. (Wild Onions? Seed pods?). more

  • Wash And Be Clean Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Third of a series on Elisha. Naaman's story of cleansing has incredible parallels for what it means to become a Christian. There is no path to God that does not involve humility.

    SLIDE: more

  • Provisions For The Powerless Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    Second in a series on Elisha. In a world that believes in the survival of the fittest, God's people have resources available to us that go beyond what the world thinks is possible. Church is to be a culture of life, not of scarcity.

    ======================================================================== VIDEO CLIP BEGINS THE SERMON…BE SURE AUDIO IS UP ======================================================================== => INTRO: Bill Collector Video. Taken from YouTube, a former bill collector talks about making more

  • Breaking Free From The Mundane Series

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 23, 2015

    First of a series on Elisha. Sin actually makes life boring. Radical faithfulness to God helps us to break through to a more meaningful way of living.

  • Giving God Control

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Sep 10, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If properly understood and practiced, Submission is a path to tremendous freedom in Christ.

    INTRO: In a world where printed books and media are declining, and more people are opting to do their reading online, you can bet that publishers are doing all that they can to grab your attention with what they believe will actually sell. I could have picked a lot of magazines to use as examples, more

  • The Nourishment You Need

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Aug 13, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon that focuses primarily on Amos 8, looking at how a deficiency of the Word of God plays out in our lives individually and as a culture.

    Amos has always seemed to me like a man I could enjoy being around. He was plain spoken, and to the point. He was the kind of guy who appreciated hard work. Amos was a shepherd. He didn’t shepherd those pretty, fluffy white sheep. Based on the word used, he worked with a really ugly, more

  • Do You Want To Be Healed?

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Apr 4, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This is an expository sermon based on John 5, utilizing a narrative style. Sometimes we seek out fake solutions to our problems because perhaps we don’t like the implications of what being healed might require of us.

    Everybody likes to hear stories about people like Dustin Carter. Dustin was born a normal, healthy baby, but when he was 5 years old, he suffered a bacterial blood infection. As a result of this blood infection, most of his limbs had to be amputated. Like anyone else would feel, Dustin first more

  • Opportunity Is Bald From Behind

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Feb 25, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a short devotional talk beginning with the Greek god Kairos, who represents the fleeting nature of opportunity, and using an understanding of Kairos to inform our reading of Ephesians 5:8-20 where Paul presents several things that are urgent for C

    In Greek, there are at least a couple of different words that mean “Time.” - Kronos – This is the word you use when you talk about the clock. It is a sequential word, where we get words like “Chronology” or “Chronological”. It’s a word about Order. - Kairos – This is the word I want to examine more

  • The Value Of Leviticus

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Feb 11, 2007
    based on 36 ratings

    This sermon points out some principles in Leviticus that are still very practical for Christians.

    ILLUS: Several prominent literary figures were invited to an open forum where someone interviewed them and asked them questions. One question that came up was this: “If you were stranded on a desert isle, and you could only have one book, which book would you bring with you?” - The first person more

  • Bowing To The Great Idol Of Self

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Jan 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The OT has a lot of interesting stories about idolatry, but is that really just a problem of the past? This sermon addresses the very real problem that our culture has in worshiping our own desires above all else.

    To the reader: What inspired this sermon was a quote I read in R.C. Ortlund’s book, When God Comes To Church, p. 194. "Self is the great idol standing at the center of our conceptual world, to which all bow low. We even have a duty-to-self ethic, as if self-denial were harmful, immoral, and more

  • Is It Practical To Know Jesus Is Coming?

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Nov 11, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    This is my attempt at an inductive-style sermon dealing with the coming of Christ.

    ILLUS: I have a friend that I respect a lot. Just this last week, he told me that he’s coming to see me. He says he’s coming soon! -This is a person of high status, so I want to do my best to be ready for him, so I asked, “When are you coming? What day” - He said , “I can’t tell you that. more

  • God's Letter Of Recommendation

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 21, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon relies heavily on a visual illustration. It is based on the passage in 2 Cor. 3 which says we are letters from God. It calls for serious dedication to living for Christ.

    ______________________________________________________ NOTE: This sermon relies heavily upon a visual illustration. It’s based on Paul’s statement that we are a ’letter from Christ’. Here is a description of the visual I made for this lesson: Before the sermon, I prepared a manilla envelope, more

  • Think Before You Pray

    Contributed by Mark Adams on Oct 15, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at Matthew’s account of the Lord’s exemplary prayer; specifically in light of what it requires of us to pray what Jesus prays.

    NOTE: When I list a verse number or passage, it is intended for you to read the indicated verse aloud ______________________________________________________ (OPEN BIBLES TO Matthew 6) In my lesson tonight, I do not expect that anything I say to you will be new and different than what you’ve heard more

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