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  • The Great Inauguration

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Feb 6, 2025

    Jesus was inaugurated to His Office of Ministry at His Baptism.

    The headlines of the past week focused on the Inauguration of Donald Trump to begin his term of office as 47th President of the United States. Watching this every 4th year, Constitutionally mandated inauguration, led me to compare that event with Jesus’ baptism, His inauguration to begin His more

  • Choose Wisely

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Nov 14, 2024

    As Election Day 2024 approaches, we face worldly decisions. Joshua confronted Israel with the spiritual decision to serve the Lord. Like Israel, we must choose wisely.

    I doubt there’s anyone here that doesn’t know Tuesday is Election Day. You may have already voted early. We can look forward to Tuesday’s TV or radio news coverage about the voting turnout, and the partial results all day, then into the night when the results are projected and winners announced. more

  • Soldiers Of Christ

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Nov 14, 2024

    Nov 11 is Veteran's Day, and we are all veterans in Christ's Army. A comparison of His Army and our country's army.

    Although tomorrow, Nov 11, is officially Veteran’s Day, we’re honoring our veterans who have or are serving in our Armed Forces, today. Nov 11 was originally celebrated as Armistice Day, marking the day the temporary cessation of hostilities of WWI, between the Allied nations and Germany, went more

  • I Make All Things New

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Jan 2, 2024

    Heading into the New Year, we each choose our path forward. Taking the path of Christ leads us to His Kingdom on earth where He makes all things new.

    Last week we were lighting Advent Candles, in the midst of the Christmas celebration, and now here we are, standing on the brink of the New Year. But even though Christmas Day is past… the holiday music on radio and in the stores has ended, and Christmas items are being drastically marked down in more

  • One Lord, One Church, One Banquet

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Oct 2, 2023

    Celebrating Worldwide Communion

    As the first Sunday of October, today is not only our regular Communion Sunday, it’s Worldwide Communion Sunday for Christians around the world. (Our Communion table is arrayed with different types and colors of bread symbolizing the worldwide Church’s diversity.) It’s a day to celebrate the more

  • "take Courage. It Is I."

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Aug 28, 2023

    When the storms of life threaten, even overwhelm us, know that Jesus is there, and can save us.

    One very cold day, a farmer sees a bird lying on the path, half dead. He picks up the bird, cradles it in his hands, and blows his warm breath on it. The bird begins to revive, but the farmer has chores to do, and doesn’t have the time to nurse the bird to recovery. But he spots a fresh cow pile, more

  • The Lord Who Sanctifies

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Jul 24, 2023

    We are sanctified (set apart) on our Way Forward by the Lord, M'Kaddesh

    I’ve been using the parallel between Israel leaving Egypt, to our departure from the UMC, and their entrance into the Promised Land, as our joining the GMC. Not to identify the UMC with the Egyptian slavery, or the GMC with the Promised land, but as a means of comparing our Way Forward between the more

  • On Eagle's Wings

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Jul 7, 2023

    The American Bald Eagle can help us see the nature of our God

    This past Tuesday was Independence Day, the day we celebrated our declaration of our independence from England 247 years ago. As we discussed last week, it was our new beginning for the 13 colonies to be known as America. The American flag with its thirteen alternating red and white stripes, and a more

  • The Torn Veil

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Apr 17, 2023

    Jesus became the Living Veil replacing the now torn Temple Veil

    One of my early understandings in the Navy was that the Admiral’s door meant no entry. PERIOD. You didn’t cross the threshold without approval. His office was even in a special security area that required authorization just to be in that area. Even with such authorization, no matter how important more

  • Ordinary Water Into Fine Wine

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Mar 13, 2023

    Moses gets water from a rock; Jesus gets fine from stone jars

    You’ve all heard that phrase, “You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip”. Well this morning, as you heard from our Scripture readings, you can get water from a rock, and even get the finest wine from ordinary water in a stone jar. At least with God, nothing is impossible. Our OT lesson, told in 8 more

  • Veterans Of The Cross

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Jan 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    On this Veteran's Day celebration, we remember veterans of our military, but we are all veterans of Christ's Army

    Even though Veteran’s Day is Friday, November 11, it’s important enough to celebrate it on this Sunday before the holiday. Unlike Memorial Day when we honor those who died while serving, Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. Originally it was called Armistice Day, more

  • Where Were You, God

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Sep 13, 2022

    (9/11 was a day that shocked America. Despite the tragedy, God did not cause the catastrophe, nor was He indfferent to our suffering. He was there, helping us, suffering with us.

    Today is a solemn day of remembrance of the day that’s become known as 9/11. A day when America, seemingly secure in the fact that no foreign enemy had attacked us on American soil since the War of 1812, when the White House was partially burned by the British. But as much of America was waking more

  • Broken But Recyclable

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Aug 24, 2022

    Lent is a time we confess we are broken. But Jesus can take what's broken and recycle us to have meaning and purpose for His kingdom

    Lent officially began with the observation of Ash Wednesday, a day for Christians to confess their sins and receive ashes on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. Ashes were a reminder of death, so when people were in mourning or received tragic news, they would put ashes over themselves. more