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  • Why Does God Allow Tragedy And Suffering?

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Jul 23, 2012
    based on 117 ratings

    Lee Strobel presents a message to a Colorado church shortly after the movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado.

    It was the worst mass shooting in American history – 70 people shot by a gunman, 12 of them killed, while they were watching the midnight showing of a new movie just 21 miles from where we’re sitting. There are no words to describe the anguish being felt by those who are suffering today; our heart more

  • Faith Under Fire

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Jul 13, 2006
    based on 30 ratings

    Note: This message kicks off a church-wide campaign in which small groups go through the four- or eight-week Faith Under Fire curriculum, inviting their seeking friends to join them. The DVD-driven curriculum is available at

    Faith Under Fire [Note: This message kicks off a church-wide campaign in which small groups go through the four- or eight-week Faith Under Fire curriculum, inviting their seeking friends to join them. The DVD-driven curriculum is available at] The network news reporter asked the more

  • The Da Vinci Code, Part 1: Do The Winners Write History? Series

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on May 2, 2006
    based on 135 ratings

    That’s what we’re going to find out in this new series on The Da Vinci Code. Garry Poole and I traveled to Europe to investigate the sites of Dan Brown’s story, but our biggest surprise occurred in Lincoln Cathedral. That’s where director Ron Howard filme

    Cracking the Da Vinci Code Part I: Do the Winners Write History? Lee Strobel Sign up for Lee Strobel’s free e-newsletter Investigating Faith at [Note: This message was immediately preceded by the video segment from Session 1 of the Discussing the Da Vinci Code DVD, available at more

  • Leveraging The Da Vinci Code

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Apr 28, 2006
    based on 139 ratings

    This message was written to help Christians see how they can leverage The Da Vinci Code book and movie for evangelism.

    Leveraging the Da Vinci Code By Lee Strobel Sign up for Lee’s free monthly e-newsletter “Investigating Faith” at This message was written to help Christians see how they can leverage The Da Vinci Code book and movie for evangelism. The message was immediately preceded by the more

  • Jesus Is Alive – True Or False?

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 188 ratings

    What is the evidence that confirms what Easter is all about?

    Jesus is Alive – True or False? By Lee Strobel Who would you guess is the most successful defense attorney in the world? F. Lee Bailey? Well, he’s fallen on hard times. Johnnie Cochran? Let’s check an authoritative source on this: the Guiness Book of World Records. This is what it says on Page more

  • The Virus Of Doubt Series

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 144 ratings

    There’s a SPIRITUAL VIRUS that has been going around Christian circles for centuries, and it’s CALLED DOUBT. And if you haven’t caught it yet, you probably will.

    The Virus of Doubt Do you remember a few months ago when the flu was going around? This was an epidemic that hit just about everyone. Well, there’s a SPIRITUAL VIRUS that has been going around Christian circles for centuries, and it’s CALLED DOUBT. And if you haven’t caught it yet, you probably more

  • Is Jesus The Only Way To God? Series

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 210 ratings

    The most outrageous assertion Jesus ever made was “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by Me.”

    Faith Under Fire Part II Is Jesus the Only Way to God? Lee Strobel Jesus often surprised people with teachings that cut across the grain of human nature. Lose your life to save it. The first will be last. The meek will inherit the earth. Rejoice in persecution. Pray for your enemies. It’s better more

  • Why Does God Allow Suffering? Series

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Sep 26, 2004
    based on 237 ratings

    “Why is there suffering in the world?" is the #1 question people would like to ask God. There are some answers we can give to that question.

    Faith Under Fire Part I Why Does God Allow Suffering? Lee Strobel Life ought to come with a list of side effects. There should be a tag on every newborn baby saying life can be full of fun and adventure and excitement and joy, but there are side effects. There’s illness . . abuse . . . broken more

  • The Case For A Creator

    Contributed by Lee Strobel on Jul 28, 2004
    based on 181 ratings

    More than any other time in the history of the world, the evidence of science powerfully supports your belief in God. The good news is not only that there’s a Creator, but that He loves you and that He’s inviting you into a personal relationshi

    Note: this message incorporates a dramatic clip from the film Unlocking the Mystery of Life. The DVD or videotape may be obtained at Permission to show the clip may be obtained from Illustra Media, P.O. Box 2711, La Habra, CA 90623-2711. The phone number is 888-897-6026 or more