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  • Facing The Roaring Lion

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Aug 1, 2010
    based on 20 ratings

    A message that tells us to be alert to what Satan is doing to oppress us.

    Facing the Roaring Lion I Peter 5:8-10 "Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom" -- a familiar saying in our country. We remember from Pearl Harbor what it's like to get caught off guard. The enemy can be so deceptive: Japan's peace envoys were seated at the negotiating table at the very moment more

  • True Christian Humility

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jul 25, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    An exposition of I Peter 5:5-7 about what true humility means.

    True Christian Humility I Peter 5:5-7 You Tube Video of Mac Davis singing “Oh Lord Its Hard to Be Humble…” You have probably heard about the guy who won an award for humility, but had it taken away because he displayed the award in his office? I heard about a preacher who was more

  • Who Is The Church Boss?

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jul 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about the role of the elders.

    Who is the “Church Boss”? I Peter 5:1-5 Have you seen the new TV show called Undercover boss? It’s about good bosses. The contrast to that is the Annual "Worst boss" contest. One of the best-selling business books in 1996 was called "Best Boss, Worst Boss" by management more

  • How To Live Life To The Fullest

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jun 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A formula for finding the abundant life

    How To Live Life To The Fullest I Peter 3:10-12 I know that to some people, living a good life is palm trees and sandy beaches. To some people, it is grease and exhaust fumes and loud race cars. To some people living the good life means playing with your children or grandchildren and enjoying a more

  • Staying True To God's Command

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jun 2, 2010

    A message about the attitudes we need to maintain in the midst of adversity

    Staying True to God’s Command I Peter 3:13-17 Since we are outdoors this morning, I thought I’d share this little article with you about comments made to the staff of the Bridger Wilderness Area in the Bridger – Teton National Forest in Wyoming. (Some people want convenience in more

  • A Godly Wife And An Ungodly Husband

    Contributed by Larry Wise on May 5, 2010
    based on 57 ratings

    A sermon about how a godly life is a great evangelistic tool.

    A Godly Wife and A Godless Husband I Peter 3:1-6 Although it IS Mother’s Day, it has to be a God-thing that our study of I Peter brought us to I Peter 3 ON MOTHER’s DAY. The idea of talking about godly women is not new on Mother’s Day, but the timing of our study in IP Peter more

  • Living Your Christian Life In A War Zone

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual Warfare

    Living Your Christian Life in a War Zone I Peter 2:11,12 Dave Neighbors (a doctor in our church) was working in the emergency room last week when a man came running in and jumped on Dave’s back. The man started shouting, “One, two, three, four…” The security men pulled more

  • Starting A Biblical American Revolution

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    How we are supposed to handle authority

    How To Start a Biblical American Revolution I Peter 2:13-17 There is a letter written anonymously to a man named Diognetus somewhere between A.D. 130 and 200. Diognetus more

  • Making The Most Of A Bad Situation

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Mar 21, 2010
    based on 29 ratings

    How to handle trials, unfairness and inustice

    Making the Most of a Bad Situation I Peter 2:18-25 ILL.- On Veterans Day a Boulder, Colorado, man parked his car in a metered area. Noting a sign saying “Sundays and Holidays Excepted,” he didn’t put in a coin. But his car was ticketed, and he went to city hall to ask why. It more

  • Precious In His Sight

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Feb 24, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    We are people who are special to God.

    What it means to be “precious in His sight.” I Peter 2:4-10 A guy had been feeling down for so long that he finally decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist. He went there, lay on the couch, spilled his guts then waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to make him feel more

  • Craving Soul Food

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Feb 24, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    A message designed to encourage people to read their Bible.

    Craving Soul Food I Peter 2:1-3 INTRO: Eating healthy—health foods—craving junk food. Let’s try an experiment: say, “I have a craving for broccoli and brussel sprouts.” NOPE. It just doesn’t work. Now try, “I have a craving for chocolate.” more

  • Unusual Love Series

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Feb 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a message about loving one another.

    Unusual Love I Peter 1:22 (From Reader’s Digest) I was attending a junior stock show when a grand-champion lamb, owned by a little girl, was being auctioned. As the bids reached five dollars per pound, the little girl, standing beside the lamb in the arena, began to cry. At ten dollars, the more

  • Get Busy--The Boss Is Coming!

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jan 31, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A message about the importance of holy behavior.

    Get Busy, the Boss is Coming! I Peter 1:13-16 “Therefore” = he moves from describing our salvation to explaining how we should respond to that salvation. Because we have been saved into such a privileged position… Because of all that Jesus Christ has done for us… We are more

  • Taking Salvation For Granted

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jan 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A message designed to fremind Christians of the great salvation we have.

    Taking Salvation For Granted I Peter 1:10-12 Most of us take things for granted. As much as kids hate it when we say things like this…let’s think back: Do we realize that there was a time BEFORE air-conditioning and automatic transmissions in cars; self-defrosting freezers in more

  • The Lord’s My Shepherd; That’s All I Need Series

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Dec 4, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    A message about how God meets our needs.

    The Lord’s My Shepherd, That’s All I Need Psalm 23:1 Rev. R.I. Williams of Fairmont Park Methodist Church in Norfolk, VA called the newspaper office with his sermon title: “The Lord is my Shepherd” he told the paper. “Is that all?” he was asked. “That’s enough!” he answered. And sure enough, more

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