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  • "Team Extreme" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    The idea for this series came from a series of the same name that is offered free by Life.Church. You can find it at There you will find videos, transcripts, outlines, and graphics. This message is loosely based on the series.

    INTRO: For the last few weeks, we’ve been a series on the family called “Bless This Home.” During this time, we have taken a few of Jesus’ beatitudes from Matthew 5 and have applied them to our families. You’ll remember that we defined BLESSED as having a much more

  • "Shalom In The Home" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    The idea for this series came from a series of the same name that is offered free by Life.Church. You can find it at There you will find videos, transcripts, outlines, and graphics. This message is loosely based on the series.

    INTRO: Welcome to week three of our current series, “Bless This Home.” We have been taking a section of Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 5, known as the Beatitudes, which is the Latin term for “Blessedness,” and applying some of these statements specifically to our more

  • "Guarding The Heart Of Your Home" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    The idea for this series came from a series of the same name that is offered free by Life.Church. You can find it at There you will find videos, transcripts, outlines, and graphics. This message is loosely based on the series.

    INTRO: Raising kids made me realize that much has changed from the time I was a child until the time I became a parent; especially, in the area of child protection. For instance, when I was a child, I’m not sure car seats were even invented yet. Truth is, the first car with seatbelts that I more

  • "Stressed Or Blessed?" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    This series is loosely based on a series by the same name offered by Life.Church. You can find their materials at There you will find videos, transcripts, outlines, and graphics.

    A pet store delivery truck was making its way through town when the other travelers couldn’t help but notice the peculiar behavior of the truck’s driver. Every time the truck came to a red light or stop sign, the driver would jump out of the truck with a baseball bat in his grasp, run more

  • "Love Me, Hate Mama?" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 25, 2016

    I do not write out complete manuscripts. This is a sermon brief/outline that I hope will help in your study and preparation. Main Point: Allegiance to Jesus above all others

    I grew up in Atlanta, GA during the 70’s. We had four professional sports teams: the Braves in baseball, Falcons in football, Hawks in basketball and Flames in hockey. The combined records of our local teams were so abysmal, that I remember Sports Illustrated magazine writing an article more

  • Can You Thread A Needle With Your Camel? Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 11, 2016

    In this message we discover that Jesus is not against us having money; but when money has us it's a whole different issue. Greed costs us more than we'll ever get from being greedy.

    Intro: The African hunters have an interesting strategy when it comes to catching monkeys. The hunter will take a hollow gourd, cut a hole in it just large enough for the monkey to fit its hand through, but too small for the monkey to pull its closed fist out, bait the trap with peanuts, rice, or more

  • "Out With Your Eye!" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 6, 2016

    I do not write out complete manuscript. This is a sermon brief/outline that I hope will help in your study and preparation. The main point: Take radical action against sin.

    We are in a series of messages that we are calling “Say What?!... Some Head-Scratching Statements of Jesus.” One reason Jesus’ teachings has caused people both then and now to scratch their heads in amazement, wonder, or bewilderment is because His teachings revealed KINGDOM more

  • "Love Your Enemies" Series

    Contributed by Kendall Hicks on Apr 5, 2016

    I do not write out sermon manuscripts. This is a brief outline of the first message in the series "Say What? (Some Head-Scratching Statements of Jesus)."

    INTRO: It’s Valentine’s Day, so let’s start with a quick survey: Has anyone here every broken-up with someone before Valentine’s Day so you wouldn’t have to buy them a present? (Don’t tell me I’m the only one!). Yes, I have done that. When I was single, more