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  • Worship

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Dec 6, 2018

    Of the three gifts the Magi brought to Jesus, Frankincense represented worship

    A friend sent me a note that I originally sent out to the church more than 7 years ago. It reminded me of some things that deal directly with worship, trust and discipleship. It centers around an old dog – Chewy Lately I have been learning some neat lessons from our dog Chewy, who many of you have more

  • Palm Sunday Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus enters on Palm Sunday

    Point of View – one person sees tragedy, another sees opportunity. Both see the same event! Palm Sunday - It was a time of Cheers and Tears. Jesus’ entrance to Jerusalem was planned out for a long time. Not just the months of travel – but the events of Passion Week were planned more

  • Tangible Kingdom – Old Ways, New Ways Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016

    learning the ways to live incarnationaly - from Hugh Halter's work, The Tangible Kingdom

    Tangible Kingdom – Old Ways, New Ways Illustration of iron and steel wool – set me on fire God! For God to take us on a new path in this Tangible Kingdom, He needs to remake us. Next week, my son Ken will talk about a new heart that God proposes to give us. The last couple of weeks, more

  • Tangible Kingdom - Obstacles Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016

    from Hugh Halter's work on incarnational living

    Tangible Kingdom – Obstacles Matt. 5:13-16 Salt and Light – This is what God sees in us! 13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. more

  • The Tenants Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016

    parable of the tenants as a part of the Lent series

    The Tenants Activity: Ask people to bring an egg, it could be empty egg shell or a hard boiled or even a raw egg. Demonstrate or Show a video of people squeezing or sitting on a raw egg - Purpose is to handle it roughly and see what happens. Mishandle it, you lose it. Sit on the egg? What is more

  • Who Was Mark Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016

    Introduction to the gospel of Mark

    Who Was Mark? Who, what, where, when and why of Mark’s gospel. Who was it written to? What was their life like at that time? Why write a gospel at all, as far as we can tell, no one wrote a gospel for at least 20 years after the resurrection. What is the Big Idea of this book? The earliest more

  • Jesus Curses The Fig Tree Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus curses a fig tree as an acted out parable of the Jerusalem church leadership

    Jesus curses the fig tree The Setting –Jesus enters Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, the first day of the week. He is met with great celebration. Last week we talked about the crowds cutting down branches to lay along the road like a red carpet, others even put their coats on the path more

  • Blind Bartimaeus Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus made blind eyes see

    Timaeus; we know almost nothing about him. His name means honorable. He grew up like most men of the first century. Trained in the occupation of his father, his big dream was to get married, raise a family, and live an honorable life, live up to his name. As his journey unfolds; he and his wife more

  • Original Sin Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    the beatitudes according to Luke

    Original Sin Ever disappointed by how empty a new bag of chips or box of cereal is - “some settling of contents has occurred” Illustrate this Jesus unpacks what this new kingdom is like by some very unsettling illustrations. Very UN-Kingdom like laws Nothing here is vague or hard to more

  • Good News! Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    hear the Good News

    Good News! HIV Aids - Small pox - Ebola - diseases that bring terror to our hearts. This is nothing new - in Jesus’ day, it was Leprosy (Show an image of a leprous person) LEV 13:1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "When anyone has a swelling or a rash or a bright spot on his skin that may more

  • Change Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    Levi the tax collector becomes Matthew the disciple

    Change? How? LK 5:27 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Last week Shelley talked about Jesus’ authority to lead - “Peter, leave the nets more

  • Not What We Expected Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    Jesus' first sermon, not what we expected

    Not What We Expected Worship service in Jesus day Temple vs. Synagogue Temple about Sacrifice - Holy Days - Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, Atonement, Hanukkah Synagogue about Scripture - prayers - psalms - scripture reading - early sermons / commentary Nearly 500 synagogues in more

  • Celebrating Trials Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    Jesus is tempted by Satan

    Celebrating Trials After Baptism - Jesus must narrow focus Luke 4:1-13 Led by the HS into the wilderness expressly to be tested/tempted. Three Environments - Wilderness - High Place - City Monks went to desert for Spiritual warfare. Tested - what does success look like? After 40 days - more

  • All In Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    Jesus is baptized and begins his ministry

    All In Scott gave a great devotion last week before communion, challenging you to go “all in” This is exactly how John the Baptist (and Luke) began telling Jesus’ ministry The Setting (28-29 AD) Now Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his ministry. He was more

  • The Family Business Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    The beginnings of Jesus' life according to Luke

    The Family Business Today we talk about Fathers and Sons - Family Family business - painting, machine shop, college (dad taught school before I did) My kids teach Jesus - son of Joseph the Carpenter (only one occasion called a carpenter) The bond between father and son Rarely easy - often more

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