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  • Peace Be With You

    Contributed by Jun Suyat on May 15, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    If you find the peace that God gives, you will be stronger in the midst of trials.

    *(slide 1)Peace be with you! Luke 24:36-53 FCF: People have doubts and troubled mind. Proposition: If you find the peace that God gives, you will be stronger in the midst of trials. Relevant ? Where can we get this peace? ***** Illu: I was strolling in a mall, when I caught up with the band more

  • Two Kinds Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Jun Suyat on Apr 25, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    When we stand before our Lord let us look at ourselves not seeing others. Simon the Pharisee saw the sin of the woman but failed to see himself. The woman came to worship Jesus, while Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to look at his failures. If we come to

    Two Kinds of Worship Luke 7:36-50 FCF: Failure to Worship our Lord Jesus Christ in true reverence. Prop: When we stand before our Lord let us look at ourselves not seeing others. Simon the Pharisee saw the sin of the woman but failed to see himself. The woman came to worship Jesus, while Simon the more